I'm sick...
, 11-14-2012 at 07:31 PM (2181 Views)
Of hearing Dad say he's sick. Yeah, it was all nice and stuff when it was new and all, but now it's just so boringggggg! Now, I am not one to make light of someone's illnesses (Haha, you're sick and I'm not!), but when you just stay on the couch watching DVDs of the same movies over and over and OVER, I can become quite agitated. First, he never actually watches them. Unless you can watch a movie with your eyes closed, and with your body turned away from the television, and with your eyes closed. On top of that, he keeps the volume way too loud, so at least he will hear the thing playing while he "watches" it.
But anyway, Dad's sick...still. And you know, Mom was right. Men (most) are babies when they're sick. "Michael, open this medicine thingy." I don't know what to call those things that the capsules come in, they look like those new things that keep chewing gum separate now.
"Michael, what are you eating for dinner?" Duh, Dad, something that you aren't touching with your nasty germy hands. I didn't say that out loud.
"Michael, how do you make those chicken things?" You put them on a plate and put them in the microwave. I DID say that out loud. And since I didn't want him to reach in the bag and touch the food, I cooked the chicken strips. And when they were done, he walked over and stood over my dinner for a long enough time to realize that he was leaning right over my dinner and breathing on it. Then...
"Oh, sorry Michael, I shouldn't stand over your food like that." Yeah, you shouldn't. But instead of saying that, I...
"Don't worry about me. If I was going to get sick, I would have already been sick. After all, I work outside and come in contact with hundreds of people each week. And don't forget, I work in the cold."
So, what did I do today? I...
Ran some more drug user people with more fake coughing.
Checked the mail.
Yelled at my screen-climbing cat.
Washed my hands.
Told some drug user people on the phone that Dad wasn't home.
Listened to Dad vomit (from the other side of the house).
Washed my hands.
Talked to Grandma on the phone.
Talked to my sister on the phone.
Washed my phone.
Washed my hands.
Played Final Fantasy VII.
Washed my self.
Washed my hands.
Watched every single video on NigaHiga's YouTube channel.
Washed my hands.
I also did my normal daily chores, but you all probably figured that I did those without me telling you that.
Anyway, it is nearly 9:30 pm (9:22), and I am really tired. I have been having to check the stove during the night because Dad is too sick to. So, there hasn't been much sleep for me. Just what I need.
But back to real stuff. I am doing my route tomorrow, and it is going to be really COLD in the morning. I am hoping that Dad will be up to take me to town. Mainly because I am a wimp now, since I haven't had to ride in the cold yet. Dad has been taking me to town in the mornings.
Also, I am getting anxious for Friday. Because I don't want to sell ads. I want to be told that everything is fine for me to build the paper so I no longer have to sell ads. My hatred toward selling ads drives me to nearly...say bad words. Drives me to drink...my half-full cup of Cherry juice. Gulp. Ah, refreshing.
Something I just realized, and then realized that what I first realized is not important at all, is that my birthday is fast approaching. In 9 weeks. Yeah, not important. In fact, that has nothing to do with anything right now.
What is important is that I have been stuck in my room for three days because I don't want to be anywhere near my Dad while he's sick. I don't want to touch anything he's touched, breathe the air that he's contaminated with his germiness, listen to his retching and other bodily noises, etc.
So that's all with me. Hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
PS, I really hope I got the picture to upload, since I haven't figured how to edit these things.