I would say more but...
, 10-12-2014 at 09:54 AM (678 Views)
I have been rather busy these past few days. Each evening I would help Larry with odd jobs that he can't do by himself. Or jobs that he needs done while he does other jobs. Most of the work has been painting rims for his truck. I don't really like the prep work for painting them. I have to take this heavy electric brush and get the rust and rough spots off the rim, then wipe the rim with paint thinner to get the left over dirt and stuff. That's when I finally get to paint. Painting is the best part.
Other than painting, I have been changing tires on his truck. It's one of those really big work trucks. I also carry things from one place to another and get under the places Larry can't reach himself. He has bad knees.
Yesterday, however, was the first time my work has been somewhere other than at his house. You may remember me mentioning the jet engine facility nearby in past entries of this blog or my journal in the journal section of the forums. Well, yesterday we went there to work. They had a big open house for the families of the employees and other important guests, with food, and tours, and other fancy things. After it was over, Larry and I loaded up everything that he let the facility use for the event. Mainly space heaters and propane tanks. Afterwards, we went to the area that, um, actually, I don't think I talk about that part.
Anyway, after that, the two of us went into one of the...oh wait...I REALLY can't talk about that place. What I can say is that I saw a bunch of neat things that may or may not have to do with why terrorists could target our area and kill the lot of us. I also saw a really big cat that looked a lot like my cat Bit Bit (his picture is in one of my photo albums on my profile). Anyway, the cat was really friendly. Larry said I could take him home if I wanted to, but I don't need any more cats.
When our work was done, we went back up to the security gate, where I gave back my work badge (I was given a badge saying I was a delivery person when we arrived), and then we went back to Larry's house. We worked there for a few more hours, and then I was given $100 for all the work I had been doing, and I went home.
So now, I finally have enough money to get a new (to me) PS3. My sister and I have been talking this morning about when we will go and get it. It will be difficult to find a time, because it will be raining for the next five days. But we can wrap the console up and protect it from the rain on my way back. But now I am questioning how my ability to strap something on my rear bike rack. Oh well. I will just have to worry about it when it comes time to worry about it.
I kind of did a bad thing at work. I didn't mow the yard last week. I figured my lack of messaging to Iris would signify to her not to give me mowing money on my check. But I still received the extra $15. Now, I could have done the responsible thing and told them about it. But I didn't. The yard looked as if it was still mowed. My lines were still there, and the grass hadn't grown much. Anyway, I didn't mow this weekend either. I sent a message to Iris saying it, just to make sure I don't get paid more than usual. Anyway, I will mow next weekend. With the rain we're getting, it will need it by then.
Itsy Bitsy's three kittens are so cute! Two of them will come to me when I go out there to feed them all. The third (the one that bit me), is still skittish about me. Eventually, the three of them will be tame enough for me to play more with them. Stri-P-Grr and Itsy Bitsy are the same as ever. And Luca is as well.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...