Money can't buy happiness, but having some sure puts a big smile on my face!
, 12-06-2012 at 09:38 PM (813 Views)
It was frigid this morning, so Dad drove me to the office this morning. However, I arrived an hour later than normal, so that put me back an hour on getting finished. I went in the office to get my check. I saw this big number on it. Now, I am getting used to seeing bigger numbers on it, but those numbers were always correct. This time it was $50 too much. I purposefully slowed down my pace folding the papers in order to be there when the owner came. I told her about it, and she said it will be fixed next week, and I can go ahead and cash the check I have.
You see, the amount on the check was what I was supposed to get next week. So, I will be getting next week what I should have gotten today. So there's no big error and I won't be working for free any time soon. I did leave a note asking to switch my composing days from Tuesday-Wednesday to Monday-Tuesday. With the paper getting bigger each week, and with more and more things added to my already tight five hours per day working, I would prefer to have Wednesday free to work just in case I need it to finish. I don't want to have to stay late on Tuesdays just so I can be sure to get the paper in on time on Wednesdays.
Dad and my brother were waiting for me at Grandma's when I arrived. Then we went to Sinking Spring so I could deliver there and cash my check. I don't think the girl working liked giving me so much money. I did buy something so I wouldn't just be taking their money. Yeah, it was only $3.05 out of my $180 check, but it was at least something.
When we got home, we went through all of my old bicycles and loaded what couldn't be used onto the trailer to be hauled off for junk. All of my old bikes are going to be sold for scrap metal. That's six years of pedaling, sweating, and riding going away. But that's just what we do. Anyway, it's not like I'm using them anymore. I kept what was still good from each of them. So it's not all going away. Just the bits and bobs that I may need in the future to repair the bike I'm riding now.
After that, I gave Dad the money for my portion of the electric bill. Then, he gave me what he owed me. I still have nearly $150 in my wallet. My wallet has never had so much money in it. I am glad I don't keep my wallet in my pocket, because I would have back problems if I did.
I didn't really do much after that. I learned some stuff about a friend, but this was the good kind of information. But kinda sad in a way. Everything is fine though. Just answered some of my lingering questions I had, that's all.
I watched the movie "Seven Pounds" tonight. Dad had watched it right before I did. He said that I had to watch it, it was that good. But then he had a question on why it was called Seven Pounds. I looked it up, and I shouldn't have until after I watched it. I ruined the whole movie for myself. Dad said it was a tear-jerker, but I felt nothing. I do like how it is titled though. It's clever.
Now I am typing this up for you all to read. The plan for tomorrow is to hopefully get some cell phone minutes. I have less than one right now. I also need some shower products. Tomorrow is also Day 8 in my wait for my computer. The clock is counting down on how many days my computer could possibly be delivered, so with each day I grow more and more excited.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...