This week's paper is probably my favorite!
, 06-26-2013 at 07:38 PM (966 Views)
I got to the office this morning at 8:45am. Work went smoothly until it was decided that we would have a 12-page paper instead of one with 8 pages. Ad sales were low today, and so I really had to spread out the ads. And since ad sales remained slow throughout the day, I had to rush to find something to fill in the extra space. Luckily, this week's issue was all about Independence Day. So I found some information on the history, recipes, facts and figures, and a ton of festive pictures to make up for the lack of ads.
And that's why I like this week's issue so much! It actually has information worth reading. I personally didn't want to put in the story that the owner shared on Facebook, because it was religious and that's not the message I want to spread to our readers. Besides, the story she found on Facebook is most likely fake and was posted just to get a response. Despite being editor and having the power to pick and choose what goes in, I still have to include any bits and pieces that the owner wants in it.
Anyway, before the decision was made to up the page count, the only reading material in the paper was the story about buying milk because God said to. So I was very glad that I got to write some other items.
And I even remembered to save a copy of the paper to my flash drive. So now I can show you the ad I made with all the chicken I was drooling over yesterday.
If this place wasn't so far away from here, I would be tempted to ride there on my bike. I think with all this designing I have been doing for this place, the least they could do is provide me with free food once in a while. It's only fair.
Moving on...
Can you believe that Roger Federer was knocked out of the Wimbledon Tournament today? I got to Grandma's this afternoon, and that's all they were talking about on the TV today. I wish I could have seen the match. And Sharapova is no longer in the tournament either! Not just that, all the injuries this year. And I missed it all for work!
Grandma said that if she didn't have to sit in the hot sun to watch the matches over in Cincinnati's tournament this year, she would go. I told her that I would make sure she would be comfortable if I ever competed in it. Of course, it would probably be a first round match, and most likely the only match I would play in the tournament. I doubt I would get strong enough as a player in one month to even think of entering this year. Maybe next year. Of course, I'd actually have to qualify to even reach the first round. Still, I wouldn't mind trying.
Tomorrow I am delivering. Hopefully the rain is over by the time I leave in the morning and won't come back until after I am back home tomorrow. Other than that, it should be a normal delivery day. After that, I will begin the selection for what game I will start playing for my gaming blog.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...