Watching them starve.
, 06-25-2013 at 06:48 PM (860 Views)
In my head, I was running late this morning. In reality, I was still an hour early arriving at the office. I felt as if I wasn't able to get things done fast enough before I left the house this morning. I am glad that I arrived early, because there were some changes to the office and I had plenty of time to adjust to them.
First change was that my office had curtains on the windows. I was so happy to see them, because it was so bright in there without them. It is still bright enough that I don't have to turn on the light, so that's another plus. It's like the office is just an extension of my room now. The lighting is just like my room's, and the general feel of my office is similar to that of my room at the house.
The main difference between my bedroom and my office is that I am paid to be in my office. That, and the fact that I have my toys in my room. I wouldn't be able to work if I had my gaming systems in the office.
The other change is that I finally have a new computer for my work. No more waiting 15 minutes for the computer to start up, or to access the Internet, or to actually work on something. Everything can begin to get done in seconds.
Work today was alright. I didn't finish as many ads as I would have liked. My main focus was on the back page of this week's paper. I had to make it from scratch from about ten pictures that the client sent me. It was for a restaurant that always sends me pictures of fried chicken. I haven't eaten chicken in months, and so I was salivating as I was building the ad. And if the food at this place tastes as good as how the pictures look, then I am not surprised that they are able to afford placing a $200 ad in our paper every week.
I rode my bike to get everyone's lunch today. Gabby didn't want to go, and Iris said that she always goes to get it. So, I offered. And like always, I got the same questions I have gotten for years.
I didn't have my basket bike today, but it didn't make bringing lunch any more difficult. I simply carried it like I carry most things on a bike, on the handlebars.How are you going to carry it on your bike?
The big news of the workday was that Iris asked me to ask my sister if she would like to work as a sales representative, selling ads and whatnot. I don't have her number, so I had to have my sister get in touch with her. I also left her a message on Facebook about it. The thing is, my sister is not the most agreeable person to be around. In fact, my sister doesn't necessarily like the people I work with. She went to school with them, and has argued with them on numerous occasions. Remember that entry in old journal about how I said that where I work is more like the "I can't stand Michael's sister club headquarters"? The staff members may change have changed over the years, but each new staff member has had some kind of skirmish with my sister at some point in their lives.
And I brought this question up with Iris after she asked me and I had a spare moment to chat. I asked if it was wise if she would work here, since my sister can't get along with most people. Iris said that it wasn't, but we really need someone to sell ads and we are running out of options. So yes, my sister is near the bottom of the barrel, but we have had worse work for us. Criminals, drug users, as well as people we don't like but deal with regardless. It's not like it's a hard job to do. You come in, call a bunch of people, and leave. Other than Iris, Gabby, and myself, the average life of a staff member is less than one month. And even then, Iris and Gabby have both quit before and were hired back later on.
So, maybe soon my sister will be working at the same place I work. I am so happy! Not really. I am probably the first person to say that I don't want her working with me, but I am willing to look past our familial bond and get to know her as an adult and coworker.
Then again, she may not want to work at the office.
Moving on...
I left the office at 3:15pm, and made my way home. I stopped at Grandma's to visit with her. She was in the house, resting from a day of gardening. I don't like how she insists on going out there every day in the heat and tending to the garden (her flower garden and our family's vegetable garden). It's great that she is still able to go out there and all, but she works to hard sometimes. She's even admitted to working until she felt like she was going to pass out. And yet she still does it. It's not like I could stop her. She is as stubborn as they come.
Anyway, we chatted about what has happened since we last saw each other (Saturday). There wasn't much. We (She) talked about Dad and the eye surgery he was having today. I paid more attention to Let's Make A Deal than to what she was talking about. If I was offered $4,500 for free, I would take the money and walk back to seat. I would not want to give it back for the chance at a better prize. But that's just how I am. I have no need for a car or a new dining room table. Now, if they were offering something like a games cabinet and all the best games and systems, then maybe. But I would have to know for certain that that would be the prize I would be getting. Otherwise, I will walk with the money.
I was riding up the hill from Grandma's to go home, and all of a sudden my brother comes barreling down the hill in the truck. I thought maybe he would be coming to get me because it was so hot out today. But he wasn't. He drove on by Grandma's, and made his way to town. So, I resumed pedaling and arrived back at the house about an hour before he came home.
After that, I caught up on YouTube videos. I didn't have tutoring today, so I got to spend the time uninterrupted. I even rested a little and did nothing other than sit on my bed in the dark. It wasn't dark when I started, but it was when I had to turn on my bedroom light.
The plan for the rest of the evening is to watch the newest episode of Internet Icon and then probably going to sleep. Tomorrow I will finishing up the newspaper.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until tomorrow...