Operation: Get It Back - Failed (kinda)
, 09-24-2013 at 09:47 PM (971 Views)
I went to Peebles today and asked the questions I wanted to ask. I left the house at 8am, and got to Grandma's before 8:30. Since I didn't want to be too early and wait for Iris to show up at the office, I stopped at Grandma's. While we talking, Dad showed up. He was picking up a check from someone for working on their vehicle. And he was going to town to cash it. He offered to take me to Peebles, and I accepted. He didn't even say anything until I was headed out the door to go there on my bike.
Anyway, Iris still hadn't checked on prices for rubber bands or plastic bags for the papers. She made a note to do that. And she said that she would ask the owner about giving me more money for my route. But the new me has been decided. the owner's friend will be doing it, but Iris doesn't like the idea. This person will be working from home, and only be in the office on Wednesdays to send the paper to press. This means Iris has no way to check the work of the ads until this person comes to the office. And since Iris has class on Wednesday's, this makes it more difficult. Iris told me that she doesn't think it will work. I told her if it doesn't then she just has to call and I would be happy to help.
After that, Dad and I went to the bank. He cashed his check, and I deposited mine. Then, we stopped at the gas station so Dad could get gas to mow the yard here. I went in and ate one the store's new donuts. They weren't as good as I expected. They tasted fine, but it didn't taste like it was worth 99 cents. I won't be buying any more.
When we got home, Dad mowed and I worked online. After a while, I took a nap and Dad was gone when I woke up. My brother came home from roofing, and painted the hood on his truck. He also made a new grill for it, and had me check it out and see if it looked nice. It did, and I said it looked better than the one that came with the truck.
And now I am typing this. I already updated the gaming blog, so go ahead and check out today's entry. It's a short entry, because I didn't play much today.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...