A fresh start, like a fresh cup of Florida orange juice...
, 04-04-2015 at 02:44 PM (847 Views)
I will leave the title line blank for now. Maybe something clever will come to me while I write everything out. You know, I was considering making a post on the 1st saying that I was quitting TFF for good, since I'm so inactive, as an April Fool's trick. But I think I will need this blog in the coming months. So, I can't get rid of me yet!
I was hit with a bombshell today. After Autumn and the two youngest kids left today for good, Carma told me that she had been offered a job with the EPA over in Florida. Then, she asked me if I wanted to move there with her if she takes the job. I would stay on as Joey's tutor and caretaker. I wouldn't have to pay for anything, just like now. Carma also said that she'd help me find some work so I could get things for myself.
I told her that I would have to talk to Mom about it. I sent her a text message asking if she would be coming to see me tomorrow for Easter, and that I needed to talk to her about something. She got worried, and called me immediately. I told her what I know, and she said that it is my decision, and that she'd support it no matter what I chose. Since I don't know all the details, I still asked her to come tomorrow so she, Carma, and I can all talk about it.
And right now, I have so many things whirling around in my head. I would be starting over no matter what choose. If I stay, I have to find a new place to live. If I go, I have to find a new job. Either way, I have to figure out something to do with Luca, Stri-P-Grr, and Itsy Bitsy. This whole new situation has me worrying over every little detail; and in my phone call with Mom, I couldn't help but cry. I mean, I had this whole plan to help Mom out with whatever she may need, and now I'm possibly leaving her.
I'm 28, and here I am crying like it was my first day of Kindergarten again. Like I did last year when I was separated from Mom and started living here. Like I will most likely do if I decide to go. It's so stupid!
I've been told that there are many more opportunities in Florida than here in Ohio. And it would be nice to not have to worry about snow. Or giant hills to climb up on my bicycle. And I have a few online friends that would become real-life friends. So, it wouldn't be terrible.
I've been told that my animals would come with us. So, yay! One less thing to worry about. Honestly, when Carma told me that, I felt enthusiastic about the journey. AS long as they're safe, I feel better about starting somewhere new.
And both Mom and Carma told me that they'd pay for a ticket to come back and see Mom.
So, I think I know the title of this post now. I hope you like it!
Now my question becomes this: Who do I know from here is in the Orange City area of Florida? I remember some older members from way back when I first came here. But by then, I was just reading old posts from those people. What I need are current contacts. People I can possibly use in a reference capacity, or in a friend capacity. Also, aside from the obvious things to see (I'm not going to list them), what is in Florida that you think I might enjoy? What's hiring? And what is my chance of being eaten by an alligator or cannibal? A friend I was talking to last week about another friend who had just moved to Florida mentioned cannibals. A guy like me has to wary of these things. My legs are my moneymakers, and I can't be having them get chopped on by some crazy person!
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...