Vroom, Vroom...
, 08-18-2014 at 06:02 AM (633 Views)
I spent the day yesterday playing Sleeping Dogs. I really like the game's story so far. The driving mechanics on it, especially with the camera movement, is not something I like. Maybe it's just me and how I'm used to the camera moving a certain way while driving by playing Grand Theft Auto games for so long. I just don't like how the slightest tilt of the right analog stick can make me see behind me. I'm used to clicking the stick for that. And getting in cars is just about as annoying. It takes me several presses of the triangle button to get in cars. And when I want to take a taxi, I actually get in the back seat maybe 40% of the time. The rest of the time I accidentally pull the driver out of the car, despite following the prompt to hold the triangle button.
But that story. It's very nice. The story almost makes up for the wonky controls. Almost.
Trophy-wise, it isn't really helping me much in the way of winning Match 8. I have only earned Bronze trophies so far. 45 of the game's 60 trophies are Bronze. Eventually I will earn something other than a Bronze. I just hope that I start earning those soon. I am behind in the match, currently 9-15. TheLastSurvivorD has been playing Fez lately, and earned the last remaining trophy for it last night. I was told that it was the only game my opponent had left to play. And with a completion percentage of 90.11%, I am inclined to believe it. It will be difficult to finish the rest of the games on my opponent's trophy list. That is why I should take this chance and gain a lot of points. TheLastSurvivorD isn't the highest earner of points in the competition, so chances are that those 15 points will be the only points he or she has earned (I don't know if TheLastSurvivorD is male or female).
The standings have been released for Match 7. Rather than type out everything, I will just tell you that no one has changed positions in the standings. Everyone is in the same place they were in after Match 6. The only difference is the score totals have increased.
I finished painting the cabinets. Today I will put the handles back on the doors of the cabinets. Other than that, I have no plans. So another day of gaming is in store.
Mom is one step closer to being a driver again. My brother finally found time to bring the car here. He brought it here that way he can easily take it to the garage and put in the new motor (that has yet to be purchased). It is here because Dad and floozy can't know that it is Mom's car. If they find out, they will do the childish thing and not allow my brother to use the garage to fix it. Or they might claim it as their own since they are down to one vehicle. Knowing them, that is what they'd do.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...