Sleepy Time!
, 03-07-2014 at 05:51 AM (1042 Views)
Okay, then. So I fell asleep at 8:30pm last night, and didn't wake up until 6am this morning. I think that is just awesome, because I was really tired from riding so much. I put everything in me to complete my work yesterday. And then I forced myself to stay awake when I got home so I would be awake for dinner (both my dinner, and the animals' dinner). After that, I carried Omega into my room, and we went to sleep. When I woke up, I put Omega out to use the bathroom, and then greeted mom with a Good Morning.
Let's see, what else is happening.
My order of Thief is on backorder. That is, in my opinion, unacceptable. I though the idea of pre-ordering a product was so there was no chance of this happening. But maybe I'm mistaken. I mean before Thief, the only games I have ordered before their release were Grand Theft Auto V, which I ordered from eBay; and Lightning Returns and Final Fantasy X/X-2, which I ordered from Square Enix's site back in December. So maybe because I pre-ordered Thief two weeks before it came out, my name was low on the list and therefore there was that chance. But still, they had two weeks to make more discs. I am thinking that the reason it is on backorder is because of the stupid shirt that comes with it. I take it back, the shirt isn't stupid. The shirt has no way to process thought, so it can't be described as stupid. I am just not interested in clothing with words or logos on them. I mean, what would people around here (by here, I mean where I live) think if I walk around wearing a shirt with the word Thief printed on the front. They won't think it is just a video game. No, they will think that I am a thief.
Just so you know, it isn't just this shirt that I won't wear. I don't wear any clothing with messages printed on them. I wear solid colored shirts, most of those being a simple white T-shirt. Leg coverings are almost always shorts without images on them, and my shoes are so off-brand that no one can identify where they come from.
Anyway, that's what went on yesterday. And in about 14-16 hours, I will be able to write about what happened today. So, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...