Where is my voice?
, 07-06-2014 at 05:30 AM (849 Views)
My red and blue PS3 controllers came in the mail yesterday. And Joey was whining to play Minecraft together even before I could get the package opened. But he had to wait a while for the controllers to charge. And while they were, he would ask me every two minutes if they were done charging. Eventually, he got his chance to play with me in Minecraft. We made our world, and begun our journey. Joey kept insisting to be my neighbor when we built our houses. Night was coming upon us, and neither of our homes were complete. So we went to the one that was more complete for the night (mine). We played a while longer, then Joey stopped playing because his hands fell asleep. Or so he says. He stopped playing right after he died, so I think that may have had something to do with it.
We finally got the lawn mower fixed. I couldn't get it all mowed though, because it became dark. I will have to finish up today.
I think Carma and Joey are going to Chillicothe today to go shopping. If they do, that will be when I finish the yard up. And I will get some gaming in. Right now I am working on finding dragons to kill and Shouts to learn in Skyrim. And after that is done, then I will feel more comfortable entering Solsteim.
Well, I guess that's it for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...