It took forever to actually post this one...
, 12-03-2014 at 04:11 PM (1887 Views)
I am getting really bad at this whole updating thing I think. I click on the Create New Post button every day, sometimes several times each day, but the words won't leave my fingers. Am I getting burnt out on the blog, like the other blogs I've started? Am I running out of things to type? Is there just so little to blog about?
One big reason I haven't been posting as often is because Autumn disconnects the Wi-Fi, and instead directly connects the Ethernet cable to the laptop downstairs. I don't get it. The laptop downstairs works just fine on the Wi-Fi. Actually, even better than mine because it is right next to the whole setup. And yet, she decides that no one else gets to use the Internet. I would spend entire days without access. Most times, I would be working on something important, and then the little notification saying that I have no access would pop up. And I can't play online games either. Asking her doesn't seem to help either, because although she says she'll change it back, she never does. I literally have to go down there while she isn't there and put everything back together. The worst part isn't really that I don't have Wi-Fi for long periods of time, it's that she knocks out the phone service as well, because it is all one entity for some dumb reason.
When Carma gets up later, I will ask her about it. Because who knows, maybe she gave Autumn permission to do something this stupid. I don't know.
Here's how things are looking in the Trophy Hunters League.
Out of the 6 matches so far this season, I have won three of them. This is proving to be a really challenging season for me. I don't earn trophies at the rate I did during my first season, and my opponents are all really working hard to get promoted. The Silver League is made up of two former Bronze League members, six former Manganese League members, and 2 former Gold League members (of which I am one of those two). So basically, Omar and I are fighting to get back where we were last season, and the other eight are trying to keep us from doing that. There are three promotion spots available, and I wouldn't mind having one of them. But the only way I can see that happening is if the current Top 3 lose their remaining matches, and I win all three of my final three matches. I will just have to hope that maybe I can get lucky and my opponents decide to not be active and give me a win.
Thanksgiving was very nice last week. On Thursday, I went to see Mom in Seaman. We were going to have a small dinner because at the time my sister was going to be all alone for the day. However, she ended up going to eat with Dad's side of the family. Then on Saturday, I went back to Mom's for the big dinner with the rest of Mom's family.
Well, my plan for today is to rest up and prepare for tomorrow's work. I don't know when this will get posted. I started it yesterday, and I had planned on posting it earlier this morning. But the wi-fi is down, and I don't have access anymore. So, who knows.
Well, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...