I knew no one in the tournament this time.
, 03-09-2014 at 08:03 PM (865 Views)
In this evening's Hearthstone Tournament, I was once again eliminated in the first round. My opponent was a Rank 15 and had the advantage against me, a measly Rank 20. In the first match, he used a Warlock, and I used a Paladin. I have recently gotten into using Paladin decks, and made a deck specifically for this tournament. However, the Warlock deck my opponent had was too much for it. I lost with a score or 25-0.
The second match went much better than the first. The loser of a match is required to change decks. So in place of my Paladin was the Mage. This deck performed a lot better, but still resulted in a loss. The final score was 12-0.
I am fine in the beginning of the matches, because I like to use low-cost cards. But they don't have the power of the high-cost cards, and therefore don't last long against them. But I am getting better. Mom says that I'll just have to practice hard this week in order to win. I don't think she really understands, but it's nice that she is taking the time to act like it.
This morning I was part of a boosting session for Grand Theft Auto IV's online trophies. Some of the people on psnprofiles.com set it up. Since I needed some of the trophies myself, I figured that I'd help out and earn some as well. It was just so boring, though. First, it took us more than one hour to figure out which trophy we were going to try for first. Then, three people were having connection problems. The remaining four of us ended up starting without them. For the next six hours, we alternated who would win each match. I think I worked the hardest, trying to allow the others to boost their scores in the matches. It was either that, or stand around and do other things. I mean, for the Deathmatches, I ran toward the person we were letting win. And for the Car stealing missions, I would find the cars and bring them to the one we were letting win so they could deliver them. In the end, I left the session because I was bored.
After this entry is posted, I am going to play an episode in Final Fantasy XIII-2. How else will I finish the game if I don't play it? And with that, I have run out things to talk about. So, I guess I will end it here. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...