Foul-Mouthed Little Sacks of Bad Words
, 04-16-2013 at 07:20 PM (898 Views)
Work today was busy. This week I am making the biggest paper I have ever made. 16 pages! I worked mainly on the ads I have to build from scratch. And tomorrow I will be pulling the other ads in and inserting the pictures, rosters, and schedules of the teams. Then, the paper will be finished and I will have yet another issue to put in my binder after it gets printed.
There was a serious lack of communication. The sales staff were going on and on about 2 pages that needed to be filled. I had no idea what they were talking about. It turns out that Misty did come in and started on the paper. However, there was no note on my desk saying anything about 2 pages. Everything on my desk was strewn everywhere. I spent fifteen minutes just cleaning up everything so I could work without thinking about the mess. In the end, I have everything how I like it, and will be working my butt off tomorrow to make up for the time I lost trying to get everything how it should be.
When I got home today, my gaming headset was in the mailbox. I charged it up, and immediately began playing Grand Theft Auto IV. At first, it was so hard trying to find a game that had another person capable of talking. I can see why. Those other people are all the time using profanities. In English and in Spanish! It was like a R-rated episode of Sesame Street or something, all those young punk kids cussing how they were!
I showed them though. I was in an 18-person Deathmatch, and defeated them all. By more than $500. It was the first time I had ever won in such a big match. I prefer the big matches, because of all the people. More targets makes for more people that I can sneak up behind and headshot. When it's only 2 or 3 people, it's no fun. Then, all you have to do is get a sniper rifle and wait for the to come along. Although, the height advantage can easily be ruined by getting in a helicopter and slicing the person to ribbons in the blades. But yeah, they weren't cussing so much when I won. Just when they would kill me as I was going for the money on the ground.
I learned through what my channel's rank is on YouTube. I was thinking that I had to be close to the bottom, because my videos have only been getting a handful of views. But I was wrong. Out of more than ten million channels, I am ranked 1,553,903 in number of subscribers; and 1,295,601 in number of views. If I were to monetize my videos, I would earn a whole $14 per year. Woo! That's enough can you do for $14?
And the next election for King of the Web started today! I am currently in 21st Place with 40 Votes. Remember, save up your Earned Votes each day until I make my next big run for the Top 10. And if you need someone other people to vote for in the other categories, I suggest...
xiaorishu - Vlog & Film contestant from London, UK
ConnorDwyer - Music contestant from Brooklyn, New York
NinaUnrated - Beauty & Style contestant
I still haven't figured who to throw my votes to in the main King of the Web coategory. Connor and UFO.Bob are in an alliance together. I don't know him, but Connor does and is putting his votes in Bob's direction. You could always do that as well.
We had a big storm here not too long ago. During the storm, I learned something about U. He is afraid of storms. The little (not so little anymore) kitty would jump every time he heard thunder. He is finally sleeping on my couch. He wouldn't settle until I would pet him in all the soothing spots. I can't help but feel sorry for him, since he came here to us as a tiny kitten all by himself. With no Mommy to protect him from thunder and lightning. Anyway, he is cuddle bug, and I love him.
Well, that's all for now. I have work in the morning, and hopefully the storm will be over by the time I have to leave. I may be up a little until the rain stops. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...