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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

And today I...

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I finished my entire route before noon today! That hasn't happened in a long time. Lately, I have had to work in the office, or something delays completing it. But today I finished my route, and I left for home as soon as I got back to the office.

Once I got back home, I took a nap. For three whole hours. I really needed it. Then I turned the computer on and resumed downloading Team Fortress 2 on Steam. It is taking forever. I cleaned my computer and it is still loading slowly. It is a big game, though.

I thought of my next project on YouTube. The idea is actually one inspired by Gypsy Elder's recent livestreams on Twitch. I will be playing and making videos of Cave Story. They will probably be longer than my other videos, but I don't know yet.

I had a tutoring session with Joey today. And I was paid for the next one as well. So I am not $15 closer to my goal of being a millionaire. Woo! After some boardwork, we called it an early day and flew kites outside. And then my new kite's string broke, and now I have a broken stringed kite. I only had the kite for a week. Stupid weak string from Family Dollar! I paid $2.64 for two hours of fun. Oh well, I can always make a knot. Stupid weak string!

Tomorrow I am delivering in Sinking Spring. After that, I have no plans other than playing video games and daily chores. That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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