Don't use knives, Michael!
, 12-18-2013 at 08:54 PM (876 Views)
So, today's big news is that I cut my middle finger open with a knife today. Because I was too lazy to walk to my room and use scissors to open the seasoning packet, I used a knife and gave myself a reason to wear a Band-Aid. It took a second for the blood to start flowing; but when it did, it did not want to stop. I held pressure on my finger as I ran to my bathroom. When I got there, it was like my finger was standing in a little wading pool filled with red water. Anyway, I got it all cleaned up and wrapped in bandages. It still hurts now, but at least it's not bleeding.
After that, I finished making the pasta salad I was making. And when that was done, I took a nap. All of the rushing around the house made me really tired today. I originally debated on going to sleep, because I wasn't sure I was tired because I was tired, or because of the lack of blood. Anyway, I slept until 4pm.
Dad was here today. He came in the house when I was looking for the pasta salad box. He saw all of the macaroni in the cupboard, and said that I should throw it away, since most of it had expired. Now the kitchen cabinets are nearly empty, because I went wild with throwing out all of the old stuff.
Moving on...
My family has always told to not use knives, because they fear I will cut myself. I have never cut myself, until today. Normally when I use a knife, I have someone watching me, because they think I will cut myself. The one time I am alone, I cut myself. And honestly, I think I handled it pretty well. I didn't panic or anything. I did slip the F-word out when the water hitting my finger sent a sharp pain through my whole arm. But the water was on full and really hot, so it was expected to hurt. And it's not like anyone could hear it anyway. The water hitting the sink was making to much noise.
Anyway, that's all for now. Be sure to get your ballots in for the Awards. We are approaching on the final 24 hours of the voting period! Let you voice be heard, and all the good stuff. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
Typing this entry made my finger hurt some more.