A bit of a catch-up entry...
, 05-30-2014 at 03:49 AM (669 Views)
I finished the first Branch of Drakengard 3 last night. It is the basic ending of the game. There are multiple endings of the game, related to certain events in the game. Branch B starts in the middle of Chapter 3. It is quite weird, because some of the characters have suddenly forgotten things they should know. One in particular...well...I won't go into detail. If I knew I would have plenty of free time to play games this weekend, then I would say there was a chance of me finishing the entire game this weekend.
But I don't think I will have that time. With Joey's birthday on Sunday, we will be getting the house ready for it. Exactly what that entails, I don't know at this point. I do know that later today when the grass dries, I am mowing the yard here. I was asked to do it yesterday, but we had a big storm and I was unable to do it. The gift I am giving Joey (a bicycle helmet) arrived yesterday. It looks nicer than the picture of it on the website showed. Anyway, I will be glad when the birthday is over. Then we can move on and enjoy the rest of June.
Things are fine with the family. I gave Mom some money for shoes yesterday. Her shoes were in pretty rough shape yesterday when I saw her. I saw my brother yesterday as well. He didn't have Macie with him. He said that he let Dad watch her so it would "give Mom a break". I think there's another reason. After all, this is Dad we're talking about. The waste of space never does anything unless he's getting something out of it.
On Wednesday, I received a message from Mom saying that my brother forgot to put diapers in Macie's diaper bag. I rode my bike to Peebles to fix that problem. I got some money out of the bank, then Mom, Macie, and I walked to the store for diapers. It was the first, and hopefully the last, time I have ever bought diapers. Then, we walked back to where is staying, and I rode my bike back home. When I got the message, I was watching Joey while Carma slept. Before I left, I made sure it was okay with Carma. I didn't want Joey to be left on his own. Anyway, the entire trip took two hours. The best part of the whole trip was that my brother actually paid me back later that evening. I told Mom that he owed me for them, and he surprisingly came through and gave me what the diapers cost.
Well, my plans today are to first deliver in Sinking Spring. I am actually leaving at 7am instead of 7:30am this week. Joey is supposed to be here at around 8:30, so I need to be back by then. Then, as stated above, I am mowing the yard in preparation for Joey's party on Sunday. After that, I don't know what I'll be doing. I am going to probably leave the mowing for this evening. That way I will be here by myself, and I won't have to worry about Joey doing something while I am outside. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...