I'm not known for it, but I know how to start a fire.
, 04-24-2013 at 07:19 PM (752 Views)
I really wish it would stop being so cold. We let the fire go out because the weather is really nice and warm. It goes out because it gets really really hot in the house. Then it decides to be cold again, and again the fire gets started again. My brother attempted to get it going, but failed miserably. After he left, I worked on it. Now I have a roaring fire and the temperature is now 66 degrees in my room and rising. Slowly, but still rising. Considering it is about 33-37 degrees outside, 66 isn't so bad.
I receive an Email from Brittney overnight. I read it when I woke up. She said that she wants to give me her car when/if she gets a new one. There's no way I can accept it! Firstly, I can't and don't want to drive. Second, it's a car! I haven't done anything to deserve such a gift. I haven't replied yet, but she is the type of person who doesn't take no for an answer. Oh well, looks like I will have a car that I can't drive. Won't my family just love getting a new lawn ornament?
I feel as if a dark cloud is hovering over me. Maybe it's just because there are a lot of dark clouds hovering over me (it rained a lot here today). Maybe it's because I am nearly finished watching Clannad and the story is really good. But I think it's because I am so out of the loop now at work. I don't even know if there is a paper tomorrow. I don't want to call or text a coworker, because I don't want to bother them. Besides, my coworkers aren't the type to actually reply to my text messages. There are nearly triple the amount of Outbox messages on my phone compared to the number in my Inbox. But really, they should have sent me a message or called me. They know after all. I was griped out (a little) because I didn't notify the other carriers of the inserts we had a few weeks ago. The least they could do is notify me of the paper's status.
Anyway, tomorrow I am delivering the newspapers, if there are any. Other than that, I have no plans. Which is fine with me.
Today I continued The Ballad of Gay Tony. I only completed a few missions, but at least it was something.
Right now I have a tab open of Gypsy Elder playing Dark Souls. I don't find the game too interesting, but I like the commentary between her and the audience. You should check it out.
Well, I have my alarm set for 5am, so I should go to bed soon. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...