My chance to show my event planning...
, 04-30-2014 at 08:03 PM (908 Views)
This evening I published my latest article. Instead of some tidbit of Square Enix news, I introduced out new contest. We are giving away three Final Fantasy series tumblers. If you think back, I mentioned some kind of project I was working on. Well, this is that project. It was going to happen some time ago, but the stats just continued to climb so fast that I wasn't able to. Now that things have reached a plateau for a bit, I am able to bring my project out and get more traffic to the site in my own way. Now, I am not saying that you should go over to EnixOrigin and become a member so you can qualify yourself for this contest. But I have shared a link to the article I wrote about it on my facebook page. It is public, so anyone can see it if they choose. I think it is a nicely written article. It must be good, because it was even starred on the site's Facebook page (and I wasn't the person to do that, even though I have that power as page admin.
Anyway, with the luck out contests have had recently, I figured we need something nice and simple right now to get things moving again. It will boost the site's reputation as far as contests are concerned, that's for sure. And if it something happens and it goes horribly wrong, there will only be myself to blame.
Mom's new phone arrived today. I had planned on giving it to her for Mother's Day, but my wallet can't afford her cell phone needs with her current phone. Tracfone isn't the best idea for someone who goes through $45 worth of minutes in a week. Instead, I bought her a StraightTalk phone; so now she'll have unlimited everything for $45 per month. The phone is really nice. I was going to go ahead and activate it today for her, but she wants to have her same number. And I can't leave her without a phone for a day, because knowing my luck, that time without a phone would be the only time she will actually need it for something. Anyway, I am activating it tomorrow, and then I will put the leftover minutes on my phone. I mean, why not? I go through $45 worth of minutes in six months. Well, maybe four months. I have been using my phone a lot more since Mom and I aren't around each other as much. But I still don't use my phone anywhere near as much as she does. The advantages of having no friends worth talking to, I guess.
I wasn't able to watch either of the remaining endings in Nier today. I can't find the remaining weapons. Right now, I am missing six of them. One, the Beastlord, is not where it's supposed to be, and I think I may have missed it. I think I will have to watch a video of someone finding it. But I don't think that will work, because I believe the crates are placed randomly. Either that, or there's a crate I am not seeing at all. I only have 23 quests left to complete (according to my list). And if I can find the parts, I am one weapon away from earning a trophy for upgrading weapons. I only ever use two, maybe three, weapons (my favorite being the one-handed sword Faith); but there are trophies you can earn for upgrading multiple weapons. So far, I have maxed out four weapons.
Tomorrow I am meeting Mom while I am delivering so she can give me the money that is given to her for that computer I bought for her cousin. And then I am meeting my brother at the office so he can look at the lawn mower. And of course, I am delivering the papers. And there's only a 10% chance of rain, so that's good. The route itself should be fine. If the wind isn't too much of a problem. It will be gusting as fast as I normally pedal on my route (20 mph). I will be leaving at 3am...probably. I may leave later, but not much later. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...