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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

Putting it off for later...

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I am all set to see the third (and fourth) ending of Nier. However, I still have some things I want to do first. I still have three sidequests to finish. One requires me to harvest flowers I have planted, and it seems to be quite the task. Because I have to plant the ones I have in now, and then take those results and plant them along with the blue ones, and even then there's only a 10% chance of getting the correct results. And on top of that, I need 10 of the correct plant. The other two sidequests require me to scavenge for parts. It's not too bad, because I will gain experience; but fighting the same monsters over and over is repetitive and boring to me.

There are other things I want to do as well. I want to earn one million gold. And that is difficult to do considering I also want to upgrade my weapons. It costs 1,000 gold per upgrade, and I have 22 weapons that need multiple upgrades. But really, as long as I see all of the endings, I will be happy. The things I want to do are all for trophies. But those endings are for the story. I want to know the full story. I am also going to take another stab at the World of the Recycled Vessel (the DLC). I am at Level 42 now, so I think I am strong enough to win the final battle.

Actually, as I type this, I am trying the DLC again. Right now, I have finished the first level of the third door. It was easy to complete.

The second level was easier than the first.

The third level was rough. But I finished it.

The fourth level was okay. I had to use items to recover.

And the fifth level was a piece of cake. I managed to finish it rather quickly.

And now I am disappointed. In the end, they were no better off than they were before. Sure, they have 50,000 more gold and 10,000 more experience; but it didn't accomplish anything. They didn't learn anything that would help them against the Shadowlord. I was just expecting more. More than the two outfit themes and three weapons. Just...more.

I think that Carma's cat Cleo is in heat at the moment. And Brutus is in Don't Mess With Me mode. He's fixed, and he doesn't seem interested in Cleo.

Anyway, I need 10 pink moonflower seeds, 6 titanium alloys, and two mysterious switches in order finish the last three quests in Nier. That will be my goal today. I think I may be painting again today. I don't know though. I don't really want to paint, but I will if asked. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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