Will it hold?
, 07-21-2014 at 05:55 AM (792 Views)
The competition is starting to heat up. cybershark91 has begun earning trophies for Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, and then when I woke up I noticed he earned a trophy for the PSVita version of Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves. The latter game may be a problem. It is an easier game, and will earn him 80 points if he finishes it before Wednesday at 7pm. He currently has 21 points, and finishing Sly 3 will definitely make it difficult for me to win this match.
On my side of things, I finished Murdered: Soul Suspect's story yesterday. Like others in the mystery genre (books and movies included) I guessed wrong at who did it. Kind of. It is still a relatively new game, so I won't give away anything. All I will say is that I am going to have to go back through the game from the beginning and get all of the collectables. If I do that, I get the remaining trophies and earn myself another 28 points in the match.
After watching the credits roll on Murdered: Soul Suspect, I put in the Jak and Daxter Collection and began playing Jak II. This game is one that I never really played much on the PS2. I played the first and third games, but it wasn't until recently that I even owned the second, let alone played it through. Now I am getting that chance, and I am earning trophies while I do it. Jak II is worth 82 points if completed at 100%, and could be necessary to win this match. I am currently at 52 points; which, for those of you who don't want to do the math, is 31 points ahead of cybershark91. I have a comfortable lead against him, but I can see it becoming more and more uncomfortable as the day goes on.
Elsewhere in the Bronze League, only two other players have found time to sync their trophies with the PSN servers. It could be strategic, because you are not showing your opponent how you are doing. It could also mean that you haven't earned any points, or that you haven't been playing at all. One player, KillCount2121, is not playing at all, and asked that he be removed from the competition. Since the competition has already started, it will most likely not happen, and he will give wins to the rest of us over the nine matches he has.
I am thinking of doing a sort of copycat tactic to get some points. Since cybershark91 has earned trophies with Assassin's Creed Brotherhood, maybe I should earn some trophies in Assassin's Creed Brotherhood. If I could at least get to the point in the game he's at, it will make the points he earned in it meaningless. From the look of it, it seems he earned trophies for Sequences 3, 4, and 5. There were a few other trophies in the game that he earned, but I don't know enough about the game to understand where they are located in the game. I can only assume they are located within those sequences. Anyway, if I start the game and reach where he's at, I will also earn trophies that he earned before the competition started, and furthering my lead.
I do love making these plans. It fills me with such a rush. Analyzing my opponent, discovering their strengths and weaknesses, taking advantage of those weaknesses or making their strengths worthless. And I get to do that with eight other people. This is when you imagine me doing the Mr. Burns tenting fingers thing.
Well, that's about it for now. I guess I will see you around the forums, and until then...