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My brother and I killed boredom by playing with Google.

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We were playing with google maps, and its street view. I realized that when the camera car thing was going through Peebles, it was a Thursday in election season 2008. Because of the color of the leaves, and the election signs, and that fact that I was at the Messenger when the car drove by. Dad was at Grandma's that day also. I don't know about Mom because they didn't go down our road.


I finished the paper at 12:30 pm today, and I spent the rest of the working on the Dairy Bar menu. I didn't get too much done, because it was really boring and I couldn't focus on it. I was the only one at the office at that time as well, so it was doubly boring. I like the occasional chatting to help make things more fun.

I took a nap when I got home.

I didn't play PS3 at all today.

Tomorrow I am delivering paper number 16. Four months. Wow! The weeks just go by so quickly.

Well, I am pretty tired, so I am off to bed. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...



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