Sequence of Events
, 02-18-2014 at 09:39 PM (997 Views)
I have been installing updates on my PS3 for nearly twelve hours now. And not system updates, either. No, I have been installing the 28 updates of LittleBigPlanet 2 since 11:30am. I received a copy of it in the mail today, and in order to play it I first had to make room for it on the hard drive (which was simple because I haven't been playing Fallout: New Vegas at all lately); and then I have been in update mode since then. It's almost done though. I am at 93% download of update 27. So it's quite possible that I will get to play the game before midnight tonight.
So, what have I been doing since the PS3 is otherwise occupied? Well, I watched the Grace Helbig, Mamrie Hart, and Hannah Hart film Camp Takota. It was a really nice movie. There was just one thing I didn't like about one of the side stories in the film. I don't want to spoil anything, because I really think it is a great movie and I highly recommend that everyone watch it. But it just left a piece of the puzzle out. And no, it's not a major piece, because all of those are there. Keeping with the whole puzzle analogy, the piece that was missing would be like a puzzle piece with only grass on it. There's grass everywhere around it, and there's no evidence that something important is on the missing piece. So, you end up declaring the puzzle complete anyway because the piece isn't anywhere to be found. That's kind of like that little bit of the movie I'm talking about. Believe me, if you watch the movie (I really hope you do) you will most likely notice it.
I played Sequence again with Mom. Tonight was the second night that I kept track of the games. I won six out of eleven games, bringing my lead now to three games and five sequences ahead of Mom. If Mom gets in the zone, she is a force to be reckoned with in Sequence. I told her that one day we will have to play to fill up the board instead of the two Sequences rule. And then the one with the most Sequences wins.
I posted the new entry of 3³ Gaming NEWSday on my gaming blog. There was quite a lot of Square Enix news this week. Feel free to check it out if you want.
Well, that's all for now. LBP2 is at 98% now, so I will be playing that in a moment. So, I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...