Entry #200
, 05-14-2013 at 07:28 PM (842 Views)
So today marks the 200th Entry in this blog. To mark this occasion, I will present to you my newest YouTube video.
I think I have said this before, but The Sunleth Waterscape song is my favorite song in all of Final Fantasy XIII.
Other than filming and posting that, I played Xenosaga: Episode I. How, you ask, knowing full well that my PS2 doesn't play it. Well, I broke down and bought a new (to me) one. It is a different model, and luckily it is a model that plays the games my other one doesn't. I got a great deal on it, too. I paid $37.50 ($25 with $12.50 shipping) for the console, a controller, all the cords, and four PS2 games. The games are pretty lame, but they all work well, though they all show signs of wear and tear.
After some frustration and a feeling of impatience, I finally loaded up Need For Speed: Most Wanted. It was saying I had already established an EA account, when I know I hadn't. But it wasn't difficult to change the password and get everything straightened out. The gameplay is great! I like racing. But the menus and words are all too small to read on my old television. If my TV was wide screen or HD or whatever it takes to play the game properly, I would be able to read what it says. Or if the game came with a manual. I do enough to save on trees, so why must I be punished by not getting a manual for a brand new video game. And why, because it is all in the name of being green and saving the planet. Stupid EA. If they wanted to save trees, they make manuals from recycled paper or from old manuals that no one uses. Maybe they should start a program where gamers could get a discount for turning in their old manuals. They know how to play the games, so they could give the manual to the company and get a reward for it.
That's all for my green initiative rant.
There is less than one day left in the current election cycle for King of the Web. The plan is to get another pass saved up and make another attempt at winning during the first cycle in June. By then, I should have another 150 bonus votes saved up to go with the 509 I have now. Another person I am working with who keeps me informed on their amount of Bonus Votes has saved up 563 right now. So right now I am looking at 1,372 votes at the start of the June contest. The next question is what category should I attempt to win. I have two weeks to make my decision.
Well, tomorrow I am planning on playing video games. Now that I can play Xenosaga: Episode I, I want to finish it so I can truly start Episode II. Playing Episode II without knowing what happened in Episode I is really confusing.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...