Such a nice day, and yet I stayed inside.
, 05-15-2013 at 06:45 PM (814 Views)
I guess the big news for the day is that I applied to join a YouTube network to help my channel grow. It is a new network and was taking applications, so I figured why not. And it's parent company is Smosh and Smosh Games, so there is a giant audience that my channel could reach. And now that I have found a way to produce videos almost daily and have lots of fun doing it, I may as well take every opportunity that comes my way.
I guess the worst thing that could happen is that the people in charge deny my inclusion because I have only a handful of subscribers and that my channel is not very profitable. My channel earns between $1 and $11USD per year, and to the people of SmoshGames ($364.5K - $3.4M /yr)* it may send a red flag saying that I may not be a wise investment.
*According to
But who cares, right?
I did record a video today. I went over to my Facebook page and asked for some suggestions on anime songs that I could play to. I filmed a video of one of those suggestions.
I am thinking of attempting to make a beatmap for Osu!. I have a song in mind, but I am still lost on how to make the actual map. I have all the time in the world, so there's no rush.
I am now playing as Ziggy and MOMO in Xenosaga: Episode I. I am at the save point next to where MOMO was kept in the cell. That is as far as I have ever gotten in the game, so I have no idea what happens next.
Tomorrow I am delivering newspapers. As far as I know, there isn't anything to slow me down while delivering. I take that back. It is supposed to storm tomorrow. There is only a 40% chance forecast for when I am actually out working, but with my luck 40% means 400%. But it will be an 8-page paper, so I have that in my favor.
Well, I have nothing else to write about for today. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...