Is it such a bad thing...?
, 06-03-2014 at 06:01 AM (591 Views)
Okay, I totally forgot about it, but when I checked my Email yesterday, I found a nice little message from Square Enix saying that my copy of Murdered: Soul Suspect was on its way. I ordered it back in April, and thought it was being released to the public later in June. So I am quite happy that it is on it's way now. But I have also done a bad thing. Or a good thing, depending on how you look at it. I went and bought a used Nintendo 3DS. And copies of Theatrhythm Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts 3D, and Pokémon X. You see, Hunter and I were playing Pokémon White 2 and Black 2 when he was here yesterday, and we were battling and whatnot (I lost the battle 6-0, because his party was way more advanced than mine). And then while Hunter, Colton, and Joey were taking turns playing Grand Theft Auto IV, I went on eBay with the plan of simply checking on prices for a Nintendo 3DS. I found one in great condition that was listed cheap, and so I scooped it up. And since I need games to play on it, I went ahead and bought the titles I listed above. And I am also considering pre-ordering the upcoming Theatrhythm game. But since it is not supposed to come out for a few months, I figure I will wait a while before actually deciding.
I finished Branch C of Drakengard 3 yesterday evening. I did not like how it ended. Well, most of how it ended. I was touched how the disciples...I won't say. But the actual ending, I didn't like. Poor...nope, I'm not telling. Anyway, I can't start Branch D until I collect all of the weapons. I am at 90% right now. There are five weapons left to get, and four of them have to be purchased. Buying them will take a lot of gold. I will just have to complete more of Accord's requests to get the money. There are a few I have yet to complete once, and in one of them is the last remaining weapon I need to get. The only problem is that they are really difficult. Despite being at Level 40+, I still rely on Intoner mode for nearly every fight in these requests. I did manage to get to Round five in the Second Survival request. But it means nothing if I can't finish all eight of the rounds.
And I guess that's about everything that's going on with me. The plan today is to watch Joey while Carma is sleeping. Hunter and Colton may come over again this afternoon, but I don't know. All I do know is that when the three of them (Joey, Hunter, and Colton) are all bunched together in my room, it raises the temperature in there by ten degrees. And since I can't turn the air conditioner on until nighttime, I will just have to suffer through it. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...