Nearly 90 miles away...
, 11-07-2013 at 09:45 PM (592 Views)
I am in the best of moods right now. I felt so sore after getting home, and it wasn't localized to any specific area. I hurt all over. After checking the mail (and more on that in a moment) and unlocking the door, I went to the sofa in my room and fell asleep. I woke up to help Dad for a moment (because Grandma asked me to), and to answer the phone. But other than those little interruptions, I slept until about 3pm.
So, I guess you can say that I called it. I received the PSP games today, but not the actual PSP. And not because it couldn't fit in the mailbox or something like that. No, it was sent to Proctorville, Ohio. I guess the seller put the wrong zip code on it, or wrote it so badly that the sorting machine sent it to the 45669 pile instead of the 45660 pile. Luckily, there is no Conaway Road or anything remotely close to it in Proctorville, Ohio. If there had been, I think I would be out $90 and some lucky person would have a slightly used PSP and copy of Birth by Sleep.
I was so worried that I called the Proctorville post office this afternoon. The postmaster there noticed it and said that it was on it's way and that he even noticed the package today. This made me feel so relieved. Now my PSP is back in Columbus being sorted once again. I really hope that this was simply a glitch with the postal service's sorting machine and not something caused by the seller. I won't hesitate to leave a less-than-perfect feedback if the seller used illegible handwriting.
So, I read the manuals of the two Dissidia games and Crisis Core instead of getting to play them today. They seem like a lot of fun in the manuals. I think I may break and watch more gameplay of it on YouTube. It really sucks having them in my possession and not be able to do anything with them.
Oh well. If I'm lucky, the PSP will be here tomorrow and I will have something else to play. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...