Still sniffing, snotting, coughing, and other yucky noises...
, 12-15-2012 at 08:24 PM (906 Views)
Like an idiot, I thought I was healthy enough to belt out some songs and dance. But I was tired after about five minutes. As for the singing, I can still hold a long note, but my range has dropped to two octaves. It is nowhere near what I am used to, but this sore throat voice I have right now opens up a whole new list of songs to try out before I get well. What song did I use as a test of my range? Well, this one...I really like IU's songs, and her role in Dream High was my favorite.
And I also discovered that though laughter is the best medicine, laughing causes me to start coughing and bringing some very colorful things up. I was watching The Big Bang Theory and I had to do my best not to laugh. Otherwise, I would have to pause the show until I stopped coughing. It was not the most enjoyable three hours of my life. But still quite enjoyable.
Dad bought me a 2-liter bottle of 7Up today. Only because I asked him to. He didn't offer or anything. But that's how he's been lately, so I am used to it. I have consumed nearly all of it today. And I ate a lot today. In fact, I could actually still eat right now. I rarely feel full anyway. I normally just stop myself so I don't eat everything. My family knows all too well that I could if I wanted to. After dinner one night several years ago, Dad was looking through our bag of potatoes we had and noticed a gigantic potato. He took it out of the bag, and held it up for us to see. Then exclaimed that the potato would feed all five of us. Mom and my siblings said that they don't want it after Dad went and weighed it. It was 6.5 pounds (too sick to remember metric conversions right now)! I said that it was nothing. Dad bet that I wouldn't be able to eat it, especially after having as much as I did at dinner. I told him I could. He said he'd pay me $10 if I could finish it. It took a while, but I did eat it. I don't know the exact length of time it took, but we had just started watching the movie Nell when I started. I finished at the part when Nell was telling Liam Neeson's character that she wanted some popcorn. I earned $10, and Dad will never bet me to eat a lot of something ever again. He knows he will lose.
Anyway, I do feel better. I think I will at least be able to go to work on Tuesday. I may not be able to answer the phone or talk to people, but still be able to build the paper. All else, I will have to set up my office computer in the back room and build the paper away from everyone else. But I am sure that I'll be back to 100% by then (maybe 95%).
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until that moment arrives...