, 02-07-2014 at 04:58 AM (682 Views)
This morning the lock on the shed at the office was completely covered in ice. I was not surprised because when I brought in firewood that morning the wood was covered in ice as well. Not only that, but the owner was already there when I arrived. You see, my brother woke up late and I didn't get to the office until 8:53am. Anyway, I had to help her with her papers, and make sure she had the correct amount. After that and melting the ice on the lock, I was able to get started on my work. However, it was only a few minutes when Iris pulled in. She gave me my check and when I was bringing in the papers for the office, she asked me to help her with something that she had the current composer make for her. When it was printed out on the glossy paper, it looked horrible. Bev must not have done something correctly because the prints were super bad. We did what we could, but it was no use. Iris asked if I could do something about it at the office, but I didn't know how long it would take, considering I hadn't used the office designing programs in months. I told her that I could do it at home if she wanted, but she said that there wasn't time for that, and said that I could go back to my work.
The route itself was horrible. The roads were a complete sheet of ice. There were only the main roads that were treated with salt. But I suffered through it and managed to not fall even once. I nearly fell many times, but I caught myself each time. While I was at the office folding papers, I received a phone call. It was from the Messenger. Instead of answering it, I walked up to the office. Before I could ask why they were calling me when I was ten feet away, they said that the UPS man was here to give me a bicycle. They asked if I had bought one, and I said that I did, but that it was to be delivered to my house. And the UPS man came in with my new bicycle. Since he knows me and where I work, he went ahead and delivered it at the office because my road is so bad and he can't drive on it. That was nice of him and all, but how was I to get a 44 pound box home?
I rode to where I saw my brother's truck. He wasn't there. Then I finished my route, thinking that he might be there when I go back later. As I am heading back to the main road, I see Dad drive by. So, I try and catch up to him. However, he was long gone. So, I called his phone. Floozy answered. She acted as if she didn't know who I was or what anything was. When she came to and responded coherently, I slammed the phone down. I called my Dad's phone to speak to my Dad, not some tramp. So, Plan B was out. Plan C worked though. I had one of the office staff take the bike box to my brother's truck, and I left it in the truck. Then, I left him a note asking him to take it home.
After all that, I started for home. I think I made Grandma mad by telling her the truth about what Dad has been doing. I don't think she wanted to hear that what he had been doing and saying was all a lie. I can't blame her, she doesn't want to think that any of her kids can do wrong, like most parents. But when it's coming from her grandson, I would hope that she knows who to believe. Anyway, I think my brother will hear about it tomorrow when he and Dad go back to Xenia for another court hearing.
After I got home, I went ahead and made that image for Iris, despite being told not to and that it was too late. And she loved it! She said to tell her a price and she would pay me for it. I wasn't expecting payment, because I was doing it to help her out. But she insisted. So, I told five dollars and some of the fancy paper we have at the office. She said, "Consider it done." And that was that.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...