Yet another Weak attempt.
, 08-11-2013 at 08:43 PM (881 Views)
When you break two phones of the exact same model, it's probably time to switch to a different model of cell phone. My brother broke his second ZTE AVAIL Z990 MERIT 990G today. He says he was typing a text message and dropped it, which resulted in the screen shattering. I told him that he should switch to a different type of phone. He seemed more worried that he was unable to remember his "girlfriend's" phone number. And he can't get it replaced because he bought it used and it's no under warranty. Oh well. He seems to have taken care of the situation, because he is talking to someone in his room and yet the only person in his room is him.
I learned a valuable lesson today as well. I realized that the autosave function on a game is there for a reason, and that it's probably best to not turn it off. I was kicking butt in Skyrim today. I started the session at Level 18, working on the quest to cure Kodlak's werewolf powers. And everything went well. And things continued to go well when I, and whenSPOILER!!:, andSPOILER!!:, and when ISPOILER!!:.SPOILER!!:
It was when I got caught off guard in a battle with some ghosts that a Skeever came up and took my last bit of health. I hadn't saved at all during the session, and was sent back to my bed in Whiterun. I didn't want to go through all of that again, so I switched games. To read all about that, be sure to check my gaming blog. There are quite a few that I played today, including the newest game in my collection 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors.
I think the kittens are just clones of the big cats. One of the black cats isn't actually black. It's a little rusty looking, like Omega. And the other black cat, has the same one white spot on it's chest, just like U. And the striped cat is just like Itsy Bitsy. So, I think my cats are cloning themselves.
Other than that, U really likes the kittens. He cleans them and plays with them (when they aren't playing which kitten can smack the other kittens the most before they fall asleep). Itsy Bitsy loves not having to be with them every moment of the day. Now that they are venturing past their home in the flowers, she just has to worry about them following the boys down the driveway. They do love being U's shadow. I have the feeling that one day I will be walking to the mailbox and have four cats following me there. U will follow me, and the kittens will follow him.
They fit in the palm of my hand, and they just purr all the time. I'll pick them up by their scruff and put them near Itsy, and they climb all over her. Then they'll jump back to the flowers. They aren't the best at jumping down from things, but they sure do like climbing.
I finished Shion no Ou last night. I liked the show. I was more interested in the murder side of it than the shogi. I was wrong with my first guess in who the killer was, because the silhouettes of the person I thought it was and who it really was were so similar. Of course, that's to be expected.SPOILER!!:
Let's see, I did the laundry today. That's always fun. It was so much fun today that I fell asleep while the clothes were in the washer.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...