Staying by the fire.
, 12-07-2013 at 09:31 PM (642 Views)
It was 1am when my brother finally got back home. He didn't stick around long enough to tell me anymore than he did before, since he was tired and wanted to get some sleep. When we woke up this morning, he wasn't here long either. He threw the last two pieces of firewood in the wood stove, but didn't stay long enough to get the thought to help bring in more.
I hate having to bring in firewood first thing in the morning. And that's what I was doing in between feeding the cats and feeding Luca (about 8:30am). The firewood was covered in ice from the day before, and that made bringing it in the house fun. Especially when it would slide out of the basket onto the kitchen floor.
Then this evening, to prevent having to bring in firewood in the morning tomorrow, I went and brought in some more firewood. Just enough to make sure it'll last until the afternoon. That way the snow may be melted.
I also shoveled the snow off the porch and deck today. As much as I like seeing the little cat prints from my window, I don't like walking in snow myself. So, I shoveled everything off so I'd have a path.
I am finished with the award banners. I have them all uploaded onto the album online. I don't like how the Most Attractive ones came out. I think they're too plain. But in case I don't get a chance to make better ones, those two are there and ready to be given out to whoever become the Most Attractive Male and Female.
Anyway, I spent the first half of the day in and out of sleep. I put on a hoodie and slept by the fire with U. I felt like having a lazy day, and U made sleeping on the couch so inviting. And with the hoodie I was wearing, I couldn't help but feel warm and cozy enough to sleep until 1pm.
I am almost finished with Terra's part of the game in Birth By Sleep. I am at the Save Point right before the final battle. In Fallout 3, I am farther along in the main questline than ever before.
And the osu! tournament is only 7 days away. I practiced some today. But then I got bored with that, so I went back to playing osu!mania instead. I worked on raising my ranked score rank. I am 707th highest ranked score in the world. Basically, it just means that I play a lot of maps. My actual skill level isn't included in this score.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...