Stay off the roads!
, 03-19-2016 at 09:46 AM (3583 Views)
It's weird that I don't title an entry with an ellipsis.
Anyway, a lot of stuff has happened since the last entry. Nothing NSFW. But something adult like did. I went and got my driver's permit! Learning to drive and getting my license was one of my goals this year, and I am really trying to accomplish it. My sister and I had been talking about going to the testing site for a few weeks, and we went on Thursday so I could take the knowledge test.
I downloaded the manual onto my tablet last week, and would read through it when I was bored. Then, I took some practice tests online. I failed it every time. But eventually, the scores got better. I never aced them, but it was a passing score. Then, my sister said we could go and still do my route.
I was super nervous about it. We arrived at the testing site, and waited for my turn to talk to the office worker. I passed the vision test, and then sat at the computer. I answered the first few questions correctly, but then they threw questions at me that I knew nothing about. I completely passed over the part of the book that talks about what happens if are pulled over for OVIs (or whatever you call driving drunk), because I knew that would never apply to me. And when I got it incorrect, my heart rate increased.
And that's how it was throughout the whole test. I skipped the ones I wasn't sure about, because I figured I knew enough of the other stuff to pass and not have to guess. But then, I finished the first pass of the questions and couldn't skip anymore. The incorrect answers kept piling up! I looked at my current tally and saw I had 27 of 30 needed to pass, and 7 of 11 needed to fail.
Then 28 and 7.
28 and 8.
I am freaking out at this point! If I failed, it means I wasted half a day riding 50 miles away from where I could be working at that very moment. I spent $20 in gas, for nothing. I wasted my sister's time.
I had to focus!
Come on, I can do this! I looked at the question, and realized I knew nothing about it! Okay, I thought, let's just eliminate the stupid answers. After all, I have been a passenger in cars for a lot longer than the average person. Surely I have gained some of this knowledge and have locked it away somewhere.
And then the score became 29 and 8.
And then 30 and 8.
I earned the required amount to pass! The computer said to go to the desk and get my permit.
And then we waited.
And waited!
And waited!!
But then the waiting was over, and I got my permit. And now, I guess I am one step closer to being one of those adults that people talk about.
Scary, I know.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...