Scaring myself for New Year's
, 12-31-2012 at 08:34 PM (911 Views)
2012 is just two hours from ending as I start writing this entry. I spent it doing pretty much doing the same things I normally do. First, I woke up earlier than normal to let the cats outside. I couldn't get back to sleep so I played some more of Star Ocean: Till the End of Time. It is really slow in getting to the battles. It is all story right now, and it's really making me question whether I want to continue playing. It isn't as bad as Xenosaga II, but it is getting close. I also tried to advance in the Revenant Wings story, but my party died again. And this time it was the party that caused the mission to end, and not because Balthier died because I couldn't protect him.
I had Dad cash my check today. And somehow, I got shortchanged $20. It was my own fault, because I wasn't able to keep track of everything that was happening at that moment. I was getting my check money, the money Dad owed me, and making change for both him and my brother. But if I go and try to get back what is mine, then I know that Dad will think I am just trying to take "his" money.
So, I have a plan to get it back. Dad said that I will have to pay the electric bill this time, because both he and my brother have earned no money this month. I have the money for it right now, but Dad doesn't know that. What I'll do is say that I need $20 to help pay for it. He has that much (because it is really mine). Then, I will pay the bill with my money, get the money that is rightfully mine, and still get reimbursed when Dad and my brother actually earn something.
But...this plan kinda conflicts with my plan on making Dad realize he needs me more than I need him. Paying the electric bill is a step in that direction. If I ask for money to help pay, then it isn't really putting me ahead as much.
We (I, as it's in my name) received the phone/Internet bill today. It was less than last month (like I told Dad), but it got Dad griping anyway. He doesn't like the fact that for some weird reason he isn't able to call his mistress. I swear I had nothing to do with it. It is just the universe working in mysterious ways. Floozy Scumsack can call here, but the house line cannot call her phone. I told Dad when he first realized it that I was not calling the phone company because as much time as she spends here anyway, there shouldn't be anything that he would have to tell her through a phone conversation. Anyway, I told him what he owed for the bill, and he said that he didn't have the money for it. I told him it wasn't due for a couple weeks. The conversation ended.
One of the people I am subscribed to on YouTube put up a compilation video today. In it, there was a segment of a horror game he LP'd. I scoured his uploads to find the title of the game. The game is Slender. I researched the game and what platform it was on. When I saw that it was a free download on PC, I went and downloaded it. I planned on playing it today to give me something to do until it became 2013. There was just one problem. I am such a wuss. I played the game for about ten minutes and quit because I scared myself. I didn't even get far enough in the game for Slender Man to even attack me.
For those that don't know of the game, your character is searching for these 8 notebook pages in a forest. As you collect the pages, Slender Man follows you and tries to kill you. I don't know much about the game, but that's the gist of watching one episode of the LP and from what I played of it.
The thing is, Slender Man doesn't even start to come for you until after you collect the first page. I scared myself out of playing it by just walking around the forest with no actual threat of an attack. To help prevent me getting scared, I kept the lights on in my room. I used the regular computer speakers for sound rather than putting on my headphones. Also, I put the game on Window mode, instead of playing it Full Screen. And with all these extra precautions, I still managed to scare myself out of playing. And after dinner, it was too dark to try playing again.
Like I said, I am a wuss. I am scared to play a video game. I am laughing at it now as I write this, because it really is funny. I will attempt it again. Maybe this weekend. Or the one after that. Or maybe this summer when daylight last until 9pm.
Tomorrow I work in the office to build the paper. I haven't gotten any more information on the status of the paper, so I don't know if Gabby sold any ads today. I am hoping she did because it will give me something to do. The menu won't take me five hours to complete (unless I work at a snail's pace), so I'd like there to be a paper to build. I have no idea if anyone else will be working tomorrow. As far as I know, there won't be. Oh well either way, there's nothing I can do about it.
Anyway, I should stop for now. I am starting to get tired, and I have work in the morning. I hope 2013 starts off great and continues to get better as each day goes by. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
See you in 2013!