10 Days
, 02-24-2013 at 08:19 PM (726 Views)
So another day has gone by, and still no PS3. But it's no one's fault, because the mail doesn't run on Sundays. But still, one day closer to PS3-day! I registered my Square-Enix games today on the site. Well, three of them. I registered XIII, XIII-2, and The 4 Heroes of Light. Everything else had those post cards, so I couldn't (or I sent them years ago).
I recorded the commentary for the first episode of my tiny-series today. That's what I'm calling it, a tiny-series. Since each episode is so short. Anyway, I still don't know when I am going to start uploading them.
Currently in Gaming King, I am ranked 14th Place. Scratch that, 15th Place. I completed my analysis of the Top 20 in my category. I did one that goes from the first seven days of the competition, and then one that compares the first eight days. I am pleased with the results. With the seven-day comparison, I was ranked in 18th Place when the contest ends. But with everything that has occurred during the eighth day, I am now slated to get 15th Place. A few people that had higher average vote tallies received such a low number of votes during the eighth day that it lowered their projected rankings.
But, I can't rely on the 14 people ranked higher than I to follow suit and receive only a few votes for the remainder of the competition. It depends on the voters, and that is where you come in. Click here or here or here or anywhere I placed a link to vote for me. If I can raise my average daily vote total from 79 to 106, I will most likely make it into the Top 10. So, if it isn't too much trouble, would you give me 143 votes every day until Thursday at 12 noon (Pacific Standard Time). I have already earned 70 so far today (Day Nine). If you boil down the numbers, 143 votes is really just under 7 people giving me allotted 20 votes each day. And since there are now six categories, one of those days you'd be able to give me 30 votes. That potentially means that I wouldn't need seven people.
Ah, nevermind. I am grateful for the votes I have received. And anyway, only the winner gets a prize. And I would have to ask everyone I know to make several accounts and vote the max amount up until the end to even come close to winning. For those curious, I would have to have an average daily vote of 8,325 in order to win. Or the equivalent of just under 417 accounts votes the maximum.
Anyway, 15th Place isn't that bad. It's a lot better than 26th. At least, I am on the first page.
I started playing Romancing SaGa today. I was in the middle of the fourth quest, and then one of my party members died. So, I stopped playing. This game is really difficult. Having to choose between which of your four weapons to use, or to use magic. And then Albert is a weak little noble who could barely hurt a fly. He is basically the Henri (Unlimited SaGa) of this game, always having the other party members be a human shield. And since Albert is the main character of this storyline, if he dies, then it is game over. I can't just kill him off and not have to worry about him until later.
On top of that, I go and spend gold on a sub character, and come to find out, she disappears from the party during the giant storm that takes Albert off course and lands him in Valhalland. If you have no idea what I am talking about; imagine Tidus getting taken from the Al Bhed's ship by Sin, and instead of being left on Besaid Island, he is put on the snowy cliffs of Mt. Gagazet. With the difficult monsters and everything. It is not a particularly fun place to be.
The good thing is that I like Romancing SaGa better than Unlimited Saga. I like being able to move an actual character, instead of a token on a game board like that of Monopoly or Clue. The battle system is similar in both games, but at least I am not having to play a slot machine every time I attack. That is probably the worst part about Unlimited SaGa for me. And why? To match the elements of the attack or to choose which level of attack gets used.
Tomorrow I am planning to record more commentary for the tiny-series, and maybe even post the first episode. Also, I may play some more video games. I am hoping to get a tracking number for my PS3 from the seller. With this purchase, I want to know exactly where it is every step of the way. That way I know who to be angry with if something happens to it before it arrives.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...
PS, don't forget to give a Like to 情郎 Gaming. I have a few ideas rolling around about possibly branching it out and making it into a whole network of channels.