Page 31
, 01-09-2013 at 07:30 PM (872 Views)
Okay, I my entry titles have veered from Slender: The Eight Pages to become more like the battle against Tantarian in Final Fantasy IX. Each time you hit it, a new page pops up, and you don't know which one it will be. Anyway, no, I didn't play Slender today. I thought about it, and then I started watching Sailor Moon, and forgot that I thought of playing it until now.
Work today went well. I was finished with the paper before 10am this morning. One ad I had to make cancelled, and I made another from scratch. I still had 1/16th of a page left to fill, but I got lucky. Unfortunately, a fax came in with an obituary. I was able to finish my job, but at the expense of reporting the death of someone.
After that, I had little to do. I worked on the menu some more. It is still not done, but it is getting closer. I need to find some art that makes the menu really pop. But other than that, it is nearly finished. I also helped Iris out with the billing. I got to take the deposit to the bank so she could work on the finance computer.
I bought a pair of tennis shoes today. I was torn on getting white ones or black ones. I bought the white ones today, but I may buy the black ones soon. They really look nice. I also bought a birthday card for Mom, some dry erase markers for the office, a pair of gloves for my route (they are that really bright yellow color that you see construction and road crews wear so people can see them), and some minutes for my cell phone.
After I got back home, everything was normal. I did the same normal things I usually do. However, I won't be having a normal night's sleep because my brother has his girlfriend here and her kid is always crying. Why isn't Dad stepping in with his "No starting a family while under my roof!" speech? Probably because he doesn't care, or he is justifying his indecencies by saying that my brother is allowed to do as he pleases as well. Oh well. One day everything will be normal again. No more cheating dad, no more brother sleeping with random girls in this house.
I deliver the paper tomorrow. It is supposed to be cold in the morning, but it will warm up quite a bit. I should be finished by 10-11am. I would say that I will be playing video games, but if I do it will be handheld games. My brother "borrowed" my R/Y/G converter to my TV so I have no way to play console games. I am supposed to get my new copy of Xenosaga in the next few days, and I am anxious to see if it will work on my PS2. And I want to play Star Ocean some more.
Anyway, that's about it for tonight. I think I may watch Mercury Rising with Dad. I have never seen the full movie. I usually stop watching after Simon's parents get killed. I also want to eat a bowl of cereal. Well that plan just got scrapped. Dad just went to bed. I still want the cereal though. I want to finish the Cocoa Krispies I have. I hope to see you around the forum, and until then...
I forgot to mention the reasoning behind the title. The Messenger Facebook page has 31 likes now. I can access the stats for the page now. Which is so cool for a stats guy like me!