Something I wished would never happen happened today.
, 01-10-2013 at 07:51 PM (951 Views)
I arrived at work at 7:15am, and started working as soon as I got there. I separated the papers between the carriers, and folded my own. I began my route at 8:30 (maybe a little before). I have divided my route into five sections: School, Library, Post Office, Park, and Shaker Run. I started today in the Park section. Everything was normal. The same dog that always chases me chased me, the same houses received newspapers. Normal.
Next was the Post Office section. Everything started out normal. I delivered the papers, said hello to the same people that greet me, normal stuff. I was nearly finished with the section when the unthinkable happened. I was on the road that runs alongside the Post Office, over by a doctor's office, chiropractors, and the monument company. I was pedaling and delivering as I normally do. Then this car doesn't stop at the intersection's STOP sign. I see the person come toward me. I put on my brakes, but she was already too close for them to be effective. So I then turn to the right to try and dodge her. But the woman still wasn't paying attention. She hit me! With her car!
Luckily, she just brushed against me and I wasn't hurt. However, I did lose something for a second or two. My temper. I yelled out, "Didn't you see the STOP sign you stupid woman!!!" She rolled down her window and replied, "Oh my God! I am so sorry! Are you alright?" I was fine and went back to my bike. My bike was fine. And since both I an my bike were fine, and the woman's car was as well, I went on with my work.
I sent a message to my brother telling him what happened. I also said when I would be done working. When I finished my route, I told Gabby what had happened. She called Iris. Iris came rushing over. The two of them said that I should have faked injury. When Dad and my brother arrived to take me home, they also said I should have faked it as well. I see their point, but I am fine. I did consider reporting it at the police station when I rode by it, but I think the woman has been punished enough as it is. She will forever have it on her conscience that her reckless driving nearly hurt or killed someone, and she should be thankful it didn't. I believe she will be a more attentive driver from now on.
A bought McDonald's for the three of us for lunch today. It was like the birthday meal I should have had. I was feeling generous because I had more than $200 in my wallet after I got my check cashed today. Having money that I can do something other than pay bills is great. I still have bills to pay tomorrow, but I will still have some left over afterward.
My copy of Xenosaga should be here tomorrow. The tracking on the game still says it's in Columbus, but it's probably in Peebles now and just hasn't been updated yet. I really hope it is just my copy of the game that is the problem.
Speaking of gaming, I am planning on playing Star Ocean after I finish here. Maybe. It is nearly 10pm and I am starting to get tired. Anyway, that's all I have to talk about today. I hope to see you around the forums, and until next time...