Soaked to the Flurs
, 05-06-2013 at 08:07 PM (840 Views)
The title of this entry is what I say to my kitties when they come in from the rain. And it is also how I felt when I came in from my ride home today.
Work today was alright. There was a moment when I felt put off by the others. Now that I am tucked away in my own little office, I am not noticed as much by the others. Everyone just goes about on their merry way, as if I am not even there. It is both good and bad. Good because now I am no longer bothered and can get more work done. Bad because I am now invisible and don't get included on things like lunch orders. Lunch orders were taken today, and I was finally asked if I wanted anything when they were leaving to get the food.
"Oh, Michael, did you want anything from the restaurant?"
"It's kind of late to be asking me that, since you are going to get it now."
"Yeah, but I can still get you something."
And I decided not to get anything for lunch. I was clearly forgotten about, and so I figured that with the amount of work I had left "on my plate", there wasn't any room for food. When I got home, I ate a lot to make up for it.
Which brings me to the title of this entry. It rained a lot on my way home from work. So much that I was dripping and cold and I looked as if I had went swimming.
Then, I had tutoring with Joey. He didn't have homework, so we did some worksheets I made and printed out. Then we read a book and played a computer spelling game. And I am ten dollars richer, so it is all good in my little neighborhood.
Other than that, I haven't done much. I caught up on what I missed on YouTube and other Internet places. I am now in 17th Place in King of the Web's main contest. The amount of votes I have right now is equal to 22nd Place in the Gaming category. Thank you to everyone voting for me. If you want to vote, just click here and you will be taken to my contest page. The other people I support are doing well in their categories as well.
I think I am going to call it an early night and head to bed. All this rain is making me not want to do anything.
I was just going through my brother's change, and he had a Tanzanian coin among his other coins. Being the curious fellow I am, I searched for how much it is worth here. It turns out, he has a worthless lump of some metallic substance. A 50-cent coin in Tanzania is worth less than a penny here. And, due to my curiousity, I learned that it only takes $614.26 (at the time of this entry) to be a millionaire in Tanzania. So, I could be a millionaire in Tanzania; if I wanted to go there and exchange my money. Of course, one million in Tanzania wouldn't last long. But at least I would be a millionaire for a little while.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...