So today...
, 02-02-2013 at 08:48 PM (721 Views)
Dad is mad at me again, and all because I wouldn't enter the code for his cell phone minutes. Why did I not do this? Because I am tired of him bringing Floozy in the house. Here's what he did...
He comes in my room and asks if I was asleep. I wasn't, because I was on my bed trying to get Omega to come out from under it and play with me some more. Then Dad asks if I would put the minutes on his phone. And hands me a candy bar with a smile on his face. I say, "What, is this payment for doing this or because you feel guilty for bringing HER in here again? I won't do it." He then got huffy and said he'd do it himself.
But instead, he gets Floozy to do it. And then Floozy breaks his phone. And what does Dad do? Asks me to fix it. I decide to do it, but only because if I didn't I knew it would start a big fight and I would probably get hit...again. While I am working on his phone, he says the following:
"If you hadn't been so bullheaded earlier, my phone wouldn't be broken!"
I replied: "If you hadn't brought her here then I would have done what you asked with no complaints."
Which then brought up the "I will bring whoever I want in this house" rant. He started with, "You better learn real quick that I am going to bring whoever I want in this house." I then countered with, "Then you better learn that I am going to be like this until the day you change your mind about that."
And then Dad said that he can make more money in two days than I can in a month. I told him that he only worked two days in the last month. Really, if he had the same work ethic for a whole month that he had in the last two days, we would be rich! But he can't, and that kills him that he has to rely on me for money.
Before I move on to something else...I think he's finally getting it in his head that I am not the doormat I used to be before he went to prison. And he hates that I won't be pushed around anymore. In a word, my Dad is a bully. And for the longest time (22 years), I let him be. He's realizing that I am no longer the type to take his crap anymore. He will learn that this is not "his" house. It is "our" house, and I will not allow him to treat it as if it is his house.
My brother had me deactivate his Facebook profile today. He didn't give me a reason as to why, so I didn't ask any more questions.
I filmed next Friday's QWOP video today. I remembered to push the record button on the microphone today, so I won't have to make commentary. I may end up redoing the whole video though. I was hoping to get farther than I did. I will try again soon, but just in case, I have it ready to be uploaded.
I think I will make our grocery list tomorrow. And wash my clothes. Dad was a washer hog today, and so I didn't get to do laundry.
I played Star Ocean: TtEoT today. I didn't advance in the story. Those stupid haulers! I hate mazes where I can't see where I'm going all at once. All I accomplished was earning a couple more trophies, and I leveled up some (Fayt is Level 10 now).
Well, I am a little chilly and tired, so I am off to bed. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...