Would you like to battle me?
, 06-28-2014 at 05:10 AM (1011 Views)
Everything went well yesterday, until the evening when I started mowing the yard here at the house. The belt kept coming off. I would put it on, only to have it come back off 10 feet later. It became so annoying and frustrating, that I gave up on using the riding mower and started using the push mower. During all of those times taking the belt covers off and on, I discovered that some of the bolts were missing. I sent a message to Carma asking if the person lent the mower to had said anything about losing the bolts. She replied that she didn't, but would get some at the store. She told me to stop mowing for the day, and I was glad to do so. It was beginning to get dark. I worked for three hours on the yard, and I am nowhere near finished.
Tales of Graces f was in the mailbox when I came home from Peebles. I put the disc in as soon as I got to my room. I was delighted to hear that BoA's song plays in the intro movie. And so I spent the first half hour listening to that song, not even caring that there was a game to play. I did end up beginning a game, but i am not far into it. I am wanting to save it for next month when the trophy hunting competition starts. I went back to Skyrim and worked on completing some quests.
I am playing Pokémon X as I type this entry. I am standing in front of the Day Care Center. My current party consists of a Level 33 Frogadier, a Level 27 Azumarill, a Level 25 Wartortle, a Level 25 Bibarel, a Level 24 Simipour, and a Level 16 Ducklett. I have 72 entries in the PokéDex so far. Oh my gosh! I am in a battle against a horde of Psyduck. I am so going to catch one! And then I will have to choose which of my Water Pokémon I want to switch with this Water Pokémon. I really like this game. I thought I wasn't going to like it, after hearing friends say that they didn't like it. But it really is a nice game. If you would like to battle or trade with me, you may. My fried code is 0190-0365-7677. If you want to battle, you will most likely win. I currently have a 0-2 record in battles against actual people.
I haven't had any problems with my eye since that incident on Thursday. I sent a message to Mom yesterday telling her that nothing has happened, and I think she isn't worrying so much. I don't need her worrying about me when she has so much to think about already. I will send her one again this morning. Rrr! Why is so hard for me to cathc a Sweargle?! And then I feel like I screw myself of catching a Volbeat when I accidentally pushed Run instead of Bag. I haven't seen a Volbeat since, but I have seen at least ten Illumise. Other than that, I have caught one of every wild Pokémon I've seen.
Well, the plan for today is to try and finish mowing the yard. Then I should wash the dishes. After that, I don't have any plans that I know of. Joey is having Colton spend the night. I will probably be watching the two of them while Carma sleeps, if she brings him home with Joey. Okay, I am up against another Smeargle. I hope I catch it. Yay, I did it! Now I just need that Volbeat. Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...