The choice to live.
, 04-21-2013 at 07:44 PM (652 Views)
Today in my life, I chose to let Darko Brevic live in Grand Theft Auto IV rather than killing him for his wrongdoings. And then a short time later when my brother asked me if I cared about what is happening to Dad, I said "No, he deserves everything he gets".
Honestly, Brevic seemed like he understood what he did and was choosing to own up to it and accept whatever punishment he was given. By not killing him, Brevic is given a chance to redeem himself. Of course, I will never see him again in the game. Niko has washed his hands of that situation, and has moved on.
But with Dad, I gave him his chance. I gave him several chances. Not even a prison sentence changed him or made him see his wrongdoings. So, I washed my hands of it. I have moved on. So by me saying that I don't care about what happens to him, by saying I care not whether he lives or dies, I truly mean it. When my brother and Grandma told me about his condition, I zoned out. I tried (failed, rather) at keeping a solemn look while being told about the situation. But a smile was ever on my face. It couldn't be helped.
Oh well. There's no sense trying to keep my feelings toward Dad a secret from everyone.
In GTA IV multiplayer news, I am now the highest ranked player among my friends. And ranked higher than a whole lot of people. And unfortunately, I didn't earn it. I was in a Cops vs. Crooks match, and the group I and someone were up against was using cheats. And these were major cheats. They were doing something to give themselves thousands of dollars (actually, hundreds of thousands of dollars). But they didn't stop with themselves, they gave my teammate and I lots of money as well. Then the weirdest thing happened. Both of the other team's players quit the match, leaving my teammate and I the winners and earning us a bonus.
Since multiplayer ranking and level is directly linked with how much money you have earned, I went from a Level 3 player with just over $50,000 to a Level 5 player with $255,007. And where I was ranked about 1,600,000 (I don't remember the exact number, just that I was ranked below Aerif), I am now ranked 160,468.
As cool as it is to be ranked so high, I didn't earn it. Yeah, eventually I probably would have gotten there. But I didn't think it would be right now. I tried looking up how reset it, but all I came up with was tips and tricks to raise it up even more. I do see the reasoning behind why they do things like this. After all it takes a long time to get the $5 million needed to get that one specific trophy. But it still isn't right. I find nothing wrong with a little help now and then (like printing a map of Cie'th Stone locations because I can't find them), but that is nothing compared to what happened today. What they did affected more than themselves.
Tomorrow I am working at the office. Nothing I can really say about it. I am getting to work an extra day on an issue of the paper that will not make us any money. I take that back, there is a chance that the paper will sell a whole lot of money. If the sales staff are allowed to actually sell for the paper and not the stupid idiotic graduation place mat thing. I was against this idea from the start, because it is taking money from the schools and the schools haven't even been asked if we could even make it. We are just going behind their backs and profiting on a bunch of smiling graduates pictures. And all because of money.
So, working tomorrow. That'll be fun. After that, I may be having a session with Joey. Otherwise, I will be gaming.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...