So now you choose to send it...!
, 03-19-2014 at 08:36 PM (834 Views)
My brother didn't get home until super late last night. I was told by Mom to wake her up when he arrived. We talked some, but nothing sunk in. My brother is extremely relaxed about the whole situation. When we were talking last night, he seemed content with not helping us at all, and instead forcing us to go to court over all of this. He doesn't seem to realize that a court hearing is the last thing we want to do. I mean, it won't look good on either Mom's or his records that they were put in front of a judge.
But when the only viable transportation is in my brother's control, we can't take our belongings to the storage unit. Most of our things are boxed up now, but it means nothing if we can go anywhere with them. Mom is convinced that my brother is doing it on purpose to force a court hearing. I am starting to believe her. We asked him when he came home this evening to get some trash bags. We want to bag up the trash so my Uncle doesn't accuse us of trashing the place. However, we asked him three hours ago. The store is only ten minutes away. So either he went into space-time portal thing and came out somewhere else, or he took a major detour to get trash bags.
It's weird seeing all of the things I care about enough to take with me to my neighbor's all in a small pile. It's even weirder realizing that tomorrow is my last night here. This place is my home. It's where I wanted to live until I grew old. I planned on buying it, and had been successfully doing that for the past year. But now none of that matters, because someone I considered family changed, sold my home from under me, and stole what good life I had.
Now I am starting over, and it's like I'm now a Level 1 character in a video game. I may have experience from before the game began, but the game's story has just started, and only now will the battles I fight give me experience and abilities. What's worse is that my party members are no longer here. The final boss was originally someone I felt familial love toward, and now he's someone I hope to never see again. And his minions are also people who at one point were close to me. It's the RPG I never wanted to play. However, I can't take it back to the store. There's no reset buttons, no refunds, and no one wants the game because it got horrible reviews.
I went and got the key to my new living space. I also took a look at where I am staying. I know that beggars can't be choosers, but it is bad. The room itself is a nice size, but it has a King-size bed and takes up all the space. On top of that, it is in the old part of the house, and the electricity hasn't been upgraded. This means I can't use my computer in there, or it will trip the breaker. And it's practically a maze to walk anywhere. It's all because the neighbor, who from now on I will call Carma (it's her name, after all) when I mention her here, has only recently moved in herself. She is still getting her belongings situated, because her father, Pop (who I have mentioned before several times), recently died.
Anyway, I will be there by myself for the most part. Carma works at night in Cincinnati, and so I will be there by myself. During the day she sleeps. Joey will continue with his routine for now. He stays with his and my mutual relative at night so he can get on the school bus in the mornings. Once school is out for the summer, I will be taking care of him.
Side story: I just realized that the school year is over in two months. It may be more, what with all of the snow days they had this winter.
As for what I will be doing at Carma's, I will help out with whatever I can to make the house run smoothly. It needs a lot done. Food is taken care of. She said that all I'll have to do is make a list, and she will buy it for me. She herself doesn't cook for herself, because of her odd working hours.
I think I am going to buy a cell phone for Mom tomorrow while I am working. I tried getting her old phone reactivated, but it won't work for some reason. It is probably seven or eight years old, and hasn't bee used for four of those years. I don't want her to not be able to contact anyone. And her living arrangements are not very good at the moment. She is allowed to stay with her father-in-law for one day. This is the person her mother married. I hope she can find something more permanent, because time is running out. She has been worrying about me during this stressful time, and now she needs to worry about herself.
Tomorrow I am going to fill out a change of address card at the Post Office. I was going to do it tomorrow anyway, but now I have an urgent reason to do it. My copy of Thief is finally be shipped. Of all the possible times to do it, it has to of course happen now. What's more is that the Square Enix online store doesn't allow buyers to change the address of where items will be shipped. I will still call and ask though. I know it's impossible for Thief, as it will arrive in a few days. But there's that item in April I am getting for a friend. All else, I will cancel the order and reorder using the new address.
Well I am considering leaving early tomorrow for work. That way I can get home and help Mom bag up the trash and what we aren't going to take with us. My brother is making it perfectly clear that he can't be relied upon. After all, our name is Amy-the-heroin-junkie-who-cheated-on-my-brother-and-yet-my-brother-was-dumb-enough-to-take-her-back. Basically, she's a sack of bad words and no one but my brother likes her. Anyway, I may stay until the normal time to leave. It all depends on whether or not my brother actually comes back with those trash bags. If he does, then I will probably leave early. If not, I will have to buy them myself.
So, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...