If it was a race, sleep would overtake me by 3 laps.
, 12-31-2013 at 05:02 AM (767 Views)
I was super tired at 10pm last night, and so I decided to not fight it and just go to sleep. I woke up at 6:30am to being really cold. The wood stove only had a few hot coals in it. So, now I am up trying to start the fire again. It's going now, so now I just have to wait for it to really start roaring before I can close the damper thingy.
Anyway, yesterday I rode my bike Grandma's. She let me copy down the cookie recipe I wanted. Then, she offered to take me to Peebles to get my check. She was needing to go and get some groceries, so it wasn't like she was making a special trip or anything.
When I was at the office, I got my check. Then I asked about this week's paper's delivery date. It turns out that they won't even be sent to press until Thursday, and they'll arrive on Friday. So, I guess I'm working on my birthday. It won't be the first time. Then I asked about the when the shed was going to get cleaned out, and I was told that it will get worked on this weekend when the weather gets better. And finally, I presented my concept for the paper's new logo. It's been a year since the owner proposed that we needed a new look. I gave Iris 4 different images. I have everything on the flash drive, but I made printouts of the images for them. I reminded her that it was originally going to be a contest with a $100 prize, so I am hoping that the amount will be the same if they choose to use my idea. I just hope they don't try and use my images without paying for the digital copies, because a scan of the images from paper won't look very nice on the first page of the paper.
After Grandma and I got back to her house, she sewed my green satchel back together. Now the strap is fixed, and I can carry it around again. No more putting everything in a plastic bag now. After all that, I rode home.
I check the pantry for the things I need to make the cookies. I need practically everything. So, I put the recipe on the fridge. When my brother goes grocery shopping next, I will have him get the things I need.
I woke up yesterday with my left wrist hurting so much. It still hurts right now. I slept on it weird or something. It feels like I played volleyball in my dreams, and I was the only one who was able to serve the ball properly. And then it put too much pressure on my wrist, and it feels this way now. It's been locking up recently too, and I'd have to force it by popping it. I guess parts of me are starting to show their age.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...