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The Michael Swayne Story V: King of his Castle

It doesn't seem fair...

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Time for a bit of a rant.

This morning I got a phone call from Iris concerning what happened on Thursday. Sparing the boring details of what happened on Thursday, I was told in this phone call that I had better change my attitude or I will be fired. I also brought up a couple grievances I had, but they were completely shot down. In the end, my time at the newspaper is possibly ending. It sucks, because it feels like they are doing what they're doing just to get me to quit.

My main concern with work is that I don't get the same amount per paper as the other carriers. And all because they drive cars, and I don't. When I started at the office, I received 10 cents per paper. Then as time went on, and I received more routes, I ended up getting paid less per paper. The other carriers receive more per paper than I do, and that's not fair. Although I don't have to use gasoline, I still have expenses to keep my bike up and running.

Oh well. I will just have to endure this injustice, it seems. Eventually, they will realize they are wrong, and then make some new excuse. I can handle it.

In other news...

After this week's check is deposited, I will be close to having enough for a new PS3. In fact, I would have enough for the one at the pawn shop. But I think I just want the one at Walmart that comes with The Last of Us. I would need another $100 for that one. But after the recent work events, maybe I should hold off on making a big purchase until things blow over. I will just have to think about it.

I have been working for Larry a lot. I helped him replace the drive shaft in his truck. And we're putting the finishing touches on that tank we've been working on. I also still do the heavy lifting and all other tasks that I'm asked to do.

I found a game that my PS3 doesn't shut off while playing. Minecraft. It is soooooooo much fun.

Well, that's about it. I guess I'll see you around the forums, and until then...



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  1. Rowan's Avatar
    That sucks about your paper route. I am very curious as to find out what this partifular attitude is that they warned you for, In all the time you've posted here I havn't witnissed an 'attitude' at all.
  2. Yoko's Avatar
    Same. Your attitude has been rather imaginary, me thinks. Hoping for good things.
  3. Michael Swayne's Avatar
    Basically, I interrupted the person every time she spoke. It was raining a lot on Thursday, and I didn't want to waste time talking. And I guess I took it too far when I corrected her mathematical error. She said that a box of two thousand plastic bags would last two months, and I interrupted her saying, "three weeks". When she told me no, and proceeded to tell me some hillbilly math, I glared at her and told her how she was wrong. After all, 2000 bags divided by 600 newspapers is not eight weeks. When her stupidity was called out, she said, "You know, you don't have to have an attitude."

    And that's when I told her I didn't like her, and have never liked her. I also said that I was done talking to her. Then lightning flashed, thunder crashed, and I continued working on preparing for my route. Now, I'm not taking credit for the perfect timing with the weather, but I do think I could have been a little nicer.
  4. Yoko's Avatar
    In this case, you get further with honey than you do with shit. Not saying you should agree with her, but there are better ways to go about things like that. You might not like it, but it would help with keeping your job. She might be a little upset, but let's hope it blows over soon.