Pre-Tournament Nerves
, 12-13-2013 at 10:40 PM (1114 Views)
So, tomorrow is the big tournament. Well, it's not too big, since there's only five players in my group. Which means that I have a 20% chance of winning. That's good, because if I was in the Expert tournament, I would have less than 1% of winning. I like 20% a lot more than 1%. But now, the nerves are kicking in. I have never played a video game competitively before, and I am really nervous. I know some of you have played competitively before, so any advice you can spare before 3pm tomorrow would so appreciated.
Tomorrow I will be doing some last-minute practicing. You know, running through each of the maps to make sure I am acquainted with the set ups of them. Then at about 2:30pm, I will head over to the multiplayer area of Osu! and wait for the tournament room to open up. Maybe there will be time for a warm-up, since my match is the first one up. If there is, it will also mean a first look at how the other players perform. If not, then I will just have to play as if I am playing alone. I would love to know what I'm up against, but working alone is plan B.
Anyway, I'd really appreciate if those of you have Osu! downloaded on your computers or tablet devices would come and spectate the match. I will also provide a link so you can read the feed as well. And of course, I will provide a wrap up and review of the tournament in tomorrow's entry.
Today was a quiet day of YouTube videos and Internet browsing for me. Dad stopped by, but he was only here a few minutes. Just long enough to pick up this month's rent check to take to Grandma's. The electric meter was read today as well. It looks like we used three times as much electricity this month as last month. That's going to make our next bill so difficult to pay. By my estimate (because I can never figure out the electric company's crazy way of fees and pricing), the next bill should be around $450. That includes the $122 that was on last month's bill that we still haven't paid.
And it just had to happen today, after I already confirmed automatic payment for the phone bill. I literally have $11 in my account right now and $11 in my wallet. I did do some figuring on how much I am owed, and if I.O.U.s were worth anything, I'd have $116.37 more than I have right now. And really, who knows when my brother will have money. I told him about the electric bill, and he didn't seem bothered by it.
After the tournament tomorrow, I am supposed to play Final Fantasy: Mystic Quest with FFMQFanSince92. We're going to do a trade. I am going to play Mystic Quest with him, and he's going to play Final Fantasy II with me. I've never played Mystic Quest before, so I am hoping it will be fun. I mean, it should be, right? After all, it's a Final Fantasy game!
Keep sending in your ballots for the 2013 TFF Awards everyone! With each ballot that gets sent in, I give out one more Be Kind to Me banner, and I get one more set of votes to tally. And I do love adding to the spreadsheet. Maybe too much. But, it looks so nice! How can I not love it?
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...