Snoring dog on my left...
, 04-24-2014 at 09:13 PM (1274 Views)
...mean old cat on my right. Right now I am typing this in between Jackson and Brutus. The two of them have called a temporary truce on their little war, and are sleeping on either side of me. To be honest, I had to squeeze in between them, because I was previously sitting on the floor before my foot went to sleep.
I woke up several times throughout the night. I first woke up at more normal Thursday time of 2am, then when I realized that I hadn't been asleep very long, I dozed off again. And then I woke up at 3-something, 4-something, and 5-something, before staying up when I awoke at 6am. I was still up thirty minutes before my alarm was set to go off. Anyway, I got ready and it still wasn't 7am yet. And that's when I wondered why I was in such a rush. I wouldn't be able to do anything until nine. So, I stayed here until 7:45. Then I got on my bike and started for Peebles.
The stray dog followed me for several miles today. I became fed up with it, and at the top of voice, I yelled, "You are not my dog! Go HOME!!" I guess he finally took the hint, and stopped following me. I didn't see him dead on the road, so I assume he went home. I hope he stays there. And Jackson followed me today too. However, I wasn't having any of that, and rode back home and shut him in the house. Carma would be back soon anyway, so he wouldn't be in the house long. Carma passed me on the road when I was nearly to Peebles. She beeped her horn at me.
When I arrived at the office, Iris was there separating the papers. She told me of the plan to hire someone who will act as a sub for the routes and also check up on the routes. That way no more situations like what happened last week will occur again. And it also makes my job easier. Now I no longer have to separate the papers for everyone. I get mine, and that's it. I can still show up and start working before the sun rises, and that's all that matters. And I wasn't able to get the lawnmower started today. I asked Mom to ask my brother to look at it and see what's wrong with it. When I asked Mom this evening about it, she said my brother still hadn't come home.
I was finished with my route at 2pm. I visited Mom while working. She was watching Macie, my brother's girlfriend's daughter. Mom is doing fine. She is staying with a boyfriend, and watching Macie during the day. I am glad she is not sleeping outside. She never told me where she would be going after last Thursday, so it has been on my mind. Anyway, I arrived here at 3pm, and I so tired. I managed to eat 1.5 sandwiches before I couldn't eat anymore. Joey and Carma left early today, and after they left, I fell asleep.
At 7pm, I woke up and fed the kittens. Carma fed Luca at 3pm, so I didn't have to worry about that. And I have been up ever since. I checked up on everything online, and watched episode 52 of Running Man. I wouldn't mind being on that show. I just have to become famous enough in South Korea to be asked to play.
I didn't tell you yesterday, but I found Flea's body yesterday. The dogs were playing with what was left of it. I knew it was him from his tail. He looked like he did not die in peace. I am thinking the stray dog that follows me was what got Flea. After all, the stray dog did attack Cleo that one day. It's too bad. I'd like to think that Flea died by distracting the dog from trying to get Stri-P-Grr or lowercase. It's the kind of thing he would do. I told Mom after I disposed of the body. There wasn't much left of it.
Tomorrow I am delivering in Sinking Spring. Of course it will be raining when I am out, so that will be fun. And the wind will just add to that. Other than that, I want to try and reach the first ending of Nier. Whether that happens on my story file or sidequest file, I don't know. I also have to go through the kitchen and make a grocery list.
Well, I am tired. I will have to contort my body to get into a comfortable position to sleep. I could move Jackson, but he is so tired. And Brutus is not one to be messed with while he's asleep. He's a beast if he is bothered. Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...