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, 07-13-2014 at 06:17 AM (492 Views)
Yesterday went well. I watched Joey until noon, because that was when Carma came back home. Then I still watched Joey, because Carma went to sleep. At 5pm, I no longer had to watch him, but he continued to want to play with or watch me play video games. Together we played Minecraft. Joey is bumbling around doing things like running from here to there, dying, and then dying again on his way back to his home. I, on the other hand, am working on building a railway that is at least 500 meters long. Right now I am at 223. It would be 224, but Joey had a creeper explode and kill him near the railroad, and I wasn't able to recover all of the pieces that blew up. I am also one block of obsidian away from making an enchantment table. Or eleven blocks of obsidian away from making a Nether Portal. The last trophy I am currently aiming for is one where I have to kill a skeleton with an arrow from more than 50 meters. It is very difficult.
After I was free to do what I wanted, I went to the list of trophies I have yet to earn. From there, I determined which would be the easiest to earn. After sifting through the ones that required me to install the game itself first (Metal Gear Rising Revengeance, Assassin's Creed Revelations/Brotherhood/II, Murdered: Soul Suspect), I found a trophy for a game that I already had a save file for. The winner was Awakening from the Dawnguard DLC of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim at 92.52%. I loaded up the game, and began the journey to Fort Dawnguard. Then I traveled to and found what the vampires were looking for. And finally I made two save files. The first was for me playing as a vampire, and the second for continuing to live as a mortal human. I think for right now, I will work on the mortal human save file. At least until I go and continue the Companions' storyline, and become a werewolf. As for the other base game trophies, I am 35 pockets away from earning Thief. Eighty-five thousand gold away from earning Golden Touch. And twenty-seven (or twenty-four) levels away from earning Master. There are others, but I am not sure how many dungeons I have cleared, how many Dragon Souls I've taken, how many Shouts I have learned, how many Daedric Artifacts I have, or how many skill books I have read. And then I still need to complete the Thieves Guild storyline (from the beginning) and earn the final trophy of it.
The plan today is to paint the bathroom ceiling while Carma and Joey are out shopping. After that, I have no plans. Which is good, because there are only seven days until the start of the Trophy Hunting League's Season 3. I want to get as close to the Platinum in Skyrim as possible before it starts. Then have it pop up and get a big lead in the first match. After all, 12 points is quite a lot when compared to a Gold's 6, or a Silver's 2, or a Bronze's 1.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...