But I don't wanna wear pants tomorrow!
, 10-23-2013 at 08:19 PM (950 Views)
The high temperature tomorrow is only supposed to be 44 degrees (Fahrenheit). The temperature when I will be outside will only be 27. The winds will be higher than usual, and there is a chance for sn...rain. And since Grandma was worried about my brother and I, she forced Dad to make sure everything is ready for using the wood stove. So now we are running the wood stove. I still have the space heater on in my room, because my room is the farthest from the wood stove and takes longer to warm up.
It wasn't like this a couple years ago when I was able to close the vents to the other rooms of the house and only had to heat my room and the kitchen. But since my brother is here, the rest of the house needs heat as well.
Also, I have been sneezing a lot today. It really sucks when I suddenly sneeze so hard that my DS thinks I pressed something on the touch screen and make one of my Pokémon attack.
My brother informed me today that the people are fearing the worst and have already taken all of the usual provisions like bread and milk and whatnot. There were no parking spaces available at the grocery store, the people were in such a panic. I told him when he got back home that they should instead be worried about their driving. If they didn't drive like idiots when the weather gets cold, then they wouldn't stress eat and need all of the milk in the store. And plus, I have already been hit by a car once in my life. I don't want it to happen again.
Anyway, I have my clothes nearly ready for when I leave for work in a few hours. As much as I don't want to, I set out a pair of pants. I don't want to wear them. At all. I am also going to wear a brand new (to me) shirt, so it makes up for it.
Okay, so the voting has started for the final round of the Talent Competition! Right now, I am tied for 1st Place. But all of that could change if I can rack up some more votes. If you want to see my submissions to help your decision to vote for me, well...
Round 1
Round 2
And the Finals
Voting will only take up a few seconds of your time. And it's for a good cause. If you call saving me from spending $40 on the upcoming Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD game a good cause. Anyway, whether or not I win, I still had fun. I put content on my channel that is something other than gaming videos. I also got to put my lack of skills in video editing to use, as well as learned how to use Audacity to make what I think is a great Spanish rendition of The Cup Song. It was especially fun timing the music to the videos.
I still haven't chosen what song to use in the AMV contest, and that deadline is fast approaching. I know what scenes I want to use possibly, but there haven't been any songs that seem to be what I am going for.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until then...