Slight Doomsday Scare
, 12-20-2012 at 08:34 PM (676 Views)
This morning I checked the weather forecast. We were expected to see mostly cloudy skies with thunderstorms starting at 11am and last all day. The actual result was rain starting as soon as I began delivering the newspapers and ending just before Dad picked me up at the office. I even hurried while delivering, because I wanted to finish before 11am. I did set a new record with my route. I folded and delivered in 2.5 hours. Just goes to show that I work hardest when threatened with a thunderstorm.
After I got home, I spent the next three hours in bed. I had to get my body temperature back to normal. In my rush working, I got really cold and wet. So I napped until 2pm.
After dinner, the weirdest thing happened. The electricity went out, and with the rain storm outside, the neighborhood went pitch black. After a slight panic that the world was indeed going to end (I hopped on to my bed and had to think of what to do), I got my coat and walked outside. With my cell phone as a flashlight, I went to the garage where my brother and Dad were. They were just walking out of the garage when I got there. There's only one window in the garage, and it's been painted over, so they were thrown into darkness when the power went out. My brother said that people in the area would probably think the world is ending, and then left to go check on some of the neighbors. Dad and I went back to the house and sat by the wood stove. After ten minutes, I told him that the world hadn't ended due to the sun going out. Since we have eight minutes before the planet loses the sun's light and warmth if the sun were to go out, we at least could rule out one thing.
I then asked if Dad called Grandma to see if she was okay. Since he hadn't, I called on my phone. That's when we learned that it was just our neighborhood that was without power. Grandma had power. And when I sent a text to my sister, she replied saying that she had power as well.
So, I played Revenant Wings with Itsy Bitsy cuddled up next to me. I completed a couple sidequests, but still haven't defeated Hashmal or Ultima. Those two are proving to be quite the foe. About an hour after the power went out, the electricity came back on. One of my fears was that the computer was ruined because of it. But, I am using it to type this, so everything seems fine.
Tomorrow I am working in the office. But only for half of the day. Apparently there isn't the money to pay me for a whole day of work, so I get to work for half of it. Money's money, so I am not complaining. I just think that I shouldn't be limited to less and less time to work each week. The owner's confidence in my skill is appreciated, but I think that if it continues I may eventually fail and cause the paper to miss the deadline. For the next issue of the paper, I am getting three hours tomorrow and five on Wednesday. I think I can get it done, because I also worked the majority of yesterday's office time on the Dec. 27 paper. I don't think it will be a big paper, but I think I make it a great-looking 8 pages.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until that happens...