How the B-Word Stole Christmas (the popular sequel to the Dr. Seuss classic)
, 12-24-2012 at 07:42 PM (869 Views)
Right now I am a little angry. You see, my sister came home for Christmas. That's not what bothers me. What does is the fact that while the four of us were playing a nice family game (team billiards), Suzy showed up. Seriously, this drug-using scumsack has her own family to go to on Christmas Eve and she shows up to ruins our family's limited time together. With my sister spending less and less time at home anymore, and my brother's impending jail term for hitting that car on Thanksgiving (either 6 months, $1000 fine, or both); we need to have as much time as a family as we can get. But no, instead of telling her to hit the road, they allow her to crash the party.
So, we finished the game we were on, I put my cue back in the rack, got my coat, and left. My siblings and Dad asked if I was going to play more, and I said no. I had mean things in my head to say, but I didn't voice them because that never ends well. I guess that my brother and sister felt the same as I did, because it was only a few minutes later that my brother went to a friend's house and my sister came in to talk to her boyfriend on her cell phone.
So our second activity as a semi-complete family (dinner was first) was crashed by someone who has worn our her welcome with all three of us kids. Oh well, there's always next year.
I worked on the animated short today. I have two seconds complete. Yay for figuring out how to work the program! Basically, I have the character raising his hand up to cover his sneeze. But still, two seconds!
I started the story missions in Chapter 6 today in Revenant Wings. I was in Chapter 6 the whole time, I found out. It's just that when I would save the game, it still said Chapter 5. But I did defeat Hashmal. I don't have access to him yet, because I haven't formed the pact. But the Ring of Pacts is nearly finished.
The plan for tomorrow is still not set. I may be in a mood, and decide not to go to the family get-together. I haven't thought too much about it. I won't enjoy being there, and I did go to Thanksgiving. That should be enough. I went three years without going to a family function before. It won't be a surprise to them if I don't go tomorrow.
Anyway, that's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until next we meet...