Quiet Office
, 12-26-2012 at 07:09 PM (1167 Views)
Today I built my sixth issue of the newspaper. There were only four ads to put in. The paper is mostly ads, but that's good business-wise. Since are paper is free to the public, are only source of revenue is ad money. No ads, no paper. No paper, no paycheck for Michael. No paycheck for Michael, then Michael gets forced to go back to school and graduate college, and live the life my parents want me to live. So, yeah.
Anyway, I only had one problem today. There was one ad that I could not make, because Gabby did not put any of the necessary information on the insertion order. No phone number, no address, just the business name. I could make an ad with just that, but a business generally wants people who read the ad to know where the business is located. So, instead of finishing the paper at 11am like I would have if I hadn't had this problem, I finished at 2pm because I had to physically search through every issue for an ad the business ran previously.
Another way I could have finished the paper earlier was if Iris was working today. She could have gotten on her computer and looked up when the business ran last, and I wouldn't have to search for three hours. But, Iris was sick today, and didn't come in.
I normally prefer to work in the office by myself, but today I think I would have liked to have someone working with me. It rained and snowed and the wind was blowing so hard today. The sky looked ominous, and it felt like something bad was about to happen at any time. At least with someone else there, I am not so in my thoughts and freak myself out. But no such luck today.
Tomorrow's paper will be featuring a McDonald's coupon insert. So, I took one of the extras (I already separated them for the carriers) and clipped a Free Big Mac coupon out. Then I ate two Big Macs, a medium Fries, and a Hi-C for lunch. It felt good to eat fast food for a change. Normally, I pack a lunch, but today I didn't have anything to pack.
I bought some stuff we needed for the house today as well. Actually, it was more for me than the rest of the household. Like Cottonelle Toilet Paper. I don't like what Dad bought. And some cat food. With crazy U, silly Itsy Bitsy, and that horse of a cat Omega, I had to get some more food for them. I also bought some stuff for the spaghetti I was going to make for dinner tonight.
Anyway, I am pretty tired. 5am comes quite early on Thursdays. I just checked the weather, and I think I will need as much rest as possible for my route. I am so glad that I have a key and can fold my papers in the office now. It would take me forever to fold them if I were to do so outside in the shed.
That's all for now. I hope to see you around the forums, and until them...