Silent Night
, 12-25-2012 at 08:22 PM (933 Views)
Well, I am fifty dollars richer than I was last week. That's always good. And I get my next check either tomorrow or Thursday, so even better. But enough of that for now.
Christmas was celebrated just how I like it. Alone with no one to bother me. I said that I didn't want to go to the meal at my Aunt's, and no argued with me about it. I expected hostility from Dad, but even he didn't complain. He said his blood pressure was up (and it probably was), though he didn't offer any info on what may have caused it. I have my suspicions.
But I got to stay home. U and I took a nap together. That kitty is always very active, so getting him down for a nap was a win for me. His motor is constantly running, and it was nice to not hear him purring for once. Itsy Bitsy still hates him, but is getting used to him. Omega still doesn't care one way or the other. Right now, Itsy Bitsy is on my bed, Omega is under my bed, and U is outside. Correction, U is now inside. He was meowing at my window, and I can't let him be out there by himself in the cold.
Tomorrow is composing day. I have already checked the office E-mail, so I won't have too much to go through when I arrive tomorrow. I will only have about six hours (five of which are paid) to build a paper. How easy or difficult it will be depends on how many ads Gabby and Misty sold on Monday, if they even worked Monday. From what I had completed on Friday, it looks like I will have to use big fonts on the obituary and announcement sections of the paper. There are a couple articles in the E-mail I could put in for filler. Anyway, if they didn't sell any more ad space, then my work will be quite easy. I only had four ads left to make.
You know, I am still surprised that everything is working out as it is. This is now the sixth paper I have made, and I am really good at it. I only missed the deadline once (my first week, due to technical difficulties). On top of that, the Facebook page is getting more and more attention (up to 17 likes now). I think everything is going well with the page and paper. I mean, we weren't going to have a paper this week, but everything and everyone is really motivated to work hard and put out a great paper each week. I am just so happy.
Finally, today marks the big countdown for my birthday. Only nine days. I don't like that my birthday is on a Thursday, because believe it or not there are now some things I would rather do than ride a bicycle and fling papers on my birthday. Before, I would be glad to deliver.
Well, that's all for now. I hope to see around the forums, and until then...